part 3

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Lee know returned kissing his neck making him moan loud. Lee know decided to turned him, so now his butt is up now. Hyunin was still wearing boxer, so lee know decided to remove them and instead put a jock strap. He did even if it was difficult with hyujin kicking. Hyunin butt looked so good, so lee know started touching it. Hyunin was trying to move, and he was moaning, trying to talk, but he couldn't. Lee know started leaking, biting and massaging it. Then he decided to lick his hole, making him moan really hard cuz of the surprise. Hyunjin was feeling used, he was feeling like he had no power, like he couldn't stop it, and he couldn't. Lee know turned hyunjin again, looking at his face. He came up to him, near his ear, to listen at him well. Then he started rubbing his leg against hyunjin's dick. Hyunin didn't want to, but he started moaning and gasping, trying to move out. Lee know started laughing.
Lee know: ahhahah that's how you should act, good boy. He smirked.
When he saw that hyunjin was enough messed up, he removed the cord, letting him moan louder, he already knew he wouldn't be able to talk. He rubbed his leg fastly and fastly, touching his nipple. Hyunjin couldn't control himself, he didn't want to give to lee know what he wanted but he couldn't stop moaning. Hyuniin was to loud, so Lee know kissed him to don't make the members hear them. Then lee know stopped move his leg and licked hyunjin's neck. Hyuniin was a disaster, he was sweating, breathlessness with his eyes half closed.
Lee know: mmmmhhh I can't restit to you. I can't wait to penetrate you and during it looking at your writhing face.
Hyuniin couldn't concentrate on what lee know was saying, he was feeling too humiliated....
Lee know decided to hurry up, so he removed his pants and t-shirt. Now they were both just in boxer, and hyunjin was chained at the bed. Lee know removed his boxers too. Hyuniin was shocked, he was hoping that lee know wasn't going to do what he was thinking.
Hyuniin: no please, not this! I don't want to, that's disgusting!
Lee know: don't be worried, you'll like it.
Hyunjin started moving fastly, struggling with the chains, trying in vain to escape, but he couldn't. Lee know got closer to him, blocking hyunijn with his weight sitting on his chest, with his dick closer to his mouth.
Hyuniin: no please lee know, everything but not this! It's also really big, I might choke!
Lee know: maybe that's what I want ahahhahaha.
Hyunjin started crying, breathing difficulty.
Lee know was feeling bad, that was exciting but seeing hyunijn crying disperated was to much to handle. He knew he was guilty, cuz he was using him, but he didn't want to look at him crying. So he changed plans.
Lee know: well, if you really don't want to do oral sex, I'll pass to the anal one.
Hyuniin:wait what!?
Lee know: choose, oral or anal
Lee know: well if you don't decide I'll do both.
Hyuniin: no wait!
Lee know: so what have you decided?
Hyunijn looked down, still with tears in his eyes
Hyuniin: anal  He whisped.
Lee know: ok, get ready.
Hyuniin knew that the anal one would be painful, but having a dick in his mouth was too disgusting.
Lee know went to take the lubricant and when he returned he looked at hyuniin. He was in the bed, with his eyes half closed, looking at a steady point.
Lee know: ohhh hyunjin, don't be sad, I'm going to make you feel really well....
Lee know came closer to hyujin, and he started licking his hole. Hyuniin wasn't even trying to resist anymore, he already knew he couldn't do nothing about it. Lee know put some lubricant on his finger and started pushing it in hyunjin butt. Hyuniin gasped. Hyuniin: please be kind.
Lee know: don't worry honey.
He pushed it and then he came back, he did it a few times and then he added a second finger. Hyuniin was adapting to his fingers, leaving just a few low moanings. Lee know added a third finger and after he was sure that hyuniin was ready he wore the preservative, and put some lubricant on his dick. Hyuniin was one the bed, chained up, and lee know was over him. He opened his legs, moving between them.
Lee know: are you ready?
Hyunjin didn't replied.
Lee know: I get it as a yes.

I'll continue in part 4. tell me if you're liking it ;)

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