confession - chris

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IN WHICH...  you and nick go shopping together and he asks you if you like chris since you won't stop talking about him.

y/n's pov

today, nick and i are shopping in a random plaza to get a bunch of clothes. matt and chris stayed home because they didn't feel like going, i didn't mind since i haven't hung out with only nick in a while. technically, i was friends with him first.

"i kinda like this," i say as i hold up a graphic t-shirt. we are in the men's section for nick, but i love shopping in the men's section.

"that's really cute," he smiles. "you should get it." he says.

"yeah, i love this color." i say. "wait, nick, you need this," i gasp and laugh as i hold up a shirt that says 'and there it goes, my last flying fuck' with a bat on it. "this is so you." i say, i love this shirt and the fact that nick's tour mascot is a bat makes it even better.

"YES. I NEED THAT." he says as he snatches the shirt from my hand. it flies off the hanger and i just put the hanger back on the rack as i laugh even more.

"chris will love that too," i say as i pick up a different shirt. "wait, chris will love this one, i should get it for him," i say, holding up a pepsi shirt.

"he would like that," nick says, walking away to another rack. i walk with him and put the pepsi shirt down since he didn't say much about it. 

"what about this?" nick says, holding up a different shirt.

"for chris or you?" i ask, chris would like that shirt and we were just talking about him so i assumed he was still talking about him.

"for me, why do you keep talking about him?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"uh, i- i don't know," i shrug. i turn away quickly and move some hangers to look at more shirts.

"okay..." he says as he also keeps looking. 

we eventually leave the store and as i get into the drivers seat of my car, i ask if we should get food. "wanna get mcdonald's or something?" i ask.

"yes, i'm starving." nick says as he buckles his seatbelt. i nod and drive to mcdonald's. 


"and then can i get a number six with sweet and sour sauce?" i order after ordering nick's food. "should we get something for chris and matt?" i ask, turning to nick.

"nah," nick says.

"chris is gonna be mad," i giggle and turn back to the window. "that's it, thank you," i say to the worker through the speaker and pull up to the window.

"do you like chris?" nick asks. i was caught off guard by the question and i was at a loss of words. 

"uh... yeah of course," i say.

"not like that, like like like chris." he says. i feel like he's staring into my soul and i feel so uncomfortable. this isn't really the way i wanted to tell him, i was planning on waiting a while. i didn't want it to ruin my friendship with the triplets and i didn't know if chris felt the same. all my emotions were racing through me but i just turned to pay for the food, using this time to think about what to say.

"i- i guess i do." i say as i pull up to the second window. "thank you," i say to the worker as she hands me our food.

"i knew it," nick says with a smile.

"you're happy about it?" i ask. "i didn't want it to ruin our friendships," i say nervously.

"well yeah, it's so obvious, you talk about him all the time." nick points out. "you should tell him," he smiles.

"no way!" i exclaim. "he probably doesn't like me back and i don't want to make it awkward," i say.

"trust me, you should tell him. i think it would take things further for you guys if you did," he says with a smirk. he sounds like he knows something. what if chris likes me too? 

"maybe someday i'll have the balls," i giggle as i pull out of the plaza and drive back to the triplets' house. nick laughs and we blast music on the way back.

chris was in fact mad we did not buy him mcdonald's.


lmk if u want a part 2 lmaoo

but idk what to do for part 2 so someone has to give me a storyline if u do want a part 2

ily guys


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