stressed - chris

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IN WHICH...  you're overwhelmed with work and chris comes over to comfort you.

y/n's pov

i got home from what felt like the worst day i've ever had at work. my boss yelled at me and threatened to fire me, which made me infuriated. i hadn't done anything except everything he asked me to do, but that still wasn't enough. he said that i took too long to get him his lunch. sometimes i hate being a personal assistant. 

i went straight to my room, sitting at my desk and opening my laptop to escape my thoughts and write. when i'm pissed off, i write in a random document how i'm feeling just to let it out. the second i opened my laptop, it was already logged into my work account, which was blowing up with emails from my boss. fuck him. i shut my laptop and started crying. there was so much stress on me right now, and with him emailing me work for tomorrow, it wasn't helping.

i walked over to my bed and buried myself in my comforter. i laid down and tried to go to sleep, but i couldn't. my body never lets me sleep when i know tomorrow will be stressful. my phone dings with a notification, but i ignore it. when it does again, i pick up my phone and read it.

chris <3 Heyy

chris <3 How was your day?

i smile a little at the text and type a response.

chris <3

Today 6:09 PM


How was your day?

it was actually terrible

Your boss is pissing you off again?

what else is new?

I'm sorry babe

it's okay it's not your fault

Can I come over?

if you want to :)

Do you want me to? Or do you want to be

come over please

Okay be there in 10❤️❤️


when chris' headlights shine through the front window of my house, a smile immediately forms on my face. before he can even knock, i open the door and wrap my arms around his torso. he wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head.

"hey babe," he says quietly as i pull away and grab his hand to bring him inside. i hug him again and he holds me. "are you okay?" he asks.

"he threatened to fire me, chris." i start to cry, making chris' eyes soften. he looks down at me and i look away to hide the redness in my eyes. "i'm scared,"

"what happened?" he asks, grabbing my hand and bringing me over to the couch to sit down.

"i 'took too long to get him lunch'" i raise my hands to make air quotes. i roll my eyes and sit back on the couch.

"what a dick," he shakes his head. 

"i know, right? have some fucking patience, i know i'm his assistant but i'm not his personal bitch. get your own lunch," i complain, chris tries to hold back his laugh. "what's funny?" i ask, crossing my arms and furrowing my eyebrows.

"you're still funny even when you're mad," he laughs. "sorry, keep going." he smiles, waiting for me to continue.

"that's it, he's just an impatient bitch and i'm over it." i sigh. chris' arms wrap around me in a hug, me just leaning into his chest. he pulls me down so i'm laying on his lap and he runs his hand through my hair. "you're so cute." i mumble with a smile, him furrowing his eyebrows and smiling.

"you're even cuter." he smirks. "i love you, sorry your day sucked," he says, his lips twisting to the side.

"i love you so much, and my day is better now that you're here," i smile, noticing how his cheeks immediately turn bright red. "aww, you're blushing," i tease.

"shut up." he laughs, playing with my hair.

"it's cute," i smirk, knowing he's going to roll his eyes next. he does, which makes me laugh.

"what's so funny now?" he asks, getting defensive.

"you're very predictable," i smile, reaching up to stroke his cheek.

"you just know me too well," he smiles.

we get up and walk into my room to lay down more comfortably. he lays on my bed first and holds out his arms for me to lay with him. i smile as i walk over to him and lay in his arms, him holding me immediately. he wipes the tears off my face with his thumb and holds my head to his chest.

"i love you so much," i say with a sniff.

"i love you more baby," he says.

i fall asleep soundly in his arms and he stays with me the whole time. i couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.



when is it my turn?


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