halloween vlog - matt

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IN WHICH... you are matt's girlfriend, and you film the halloween vlog with them.

y/n's pov

today i went to the triplets' house to be in their halloween vlog and to spend the day with my boyfriend, matt. immediately when i arrive, i am led out to the yard and we begin to film. nick points the camera at matt when he turns it on, and matt starts to explain what we're doing for the video. i stand to the left of matt out of the camera frame as i wait for us to get in the car and go to mcdonald's like chris said we were.

"welcome to the halloween festivities, we're about to do a bunch of halloween fucking tricks, treats, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. and my girlfriend y/n is here with us," he adds at the end, stepping over to me and tossing his arm around my shoulder, nick's camera following as he does so.


"chris let y/n sit in the front," nick orders as he gets into the back of the car. 

"um, no." chris deadpans and gets in the passenger.

"CHRIS." nick yells, slapping his shoulder but quickly moving away when he remembers that chris is capable of pouring snapple on him and jumping on him in the backseat. he doesn't want to relive that.

"it's fine, i can sit in the back" i shrug and smile as i get in the back with nick. matt rolls his eyes at chris and shakes his head. chris just throws his arms up like it's not a big deal, which it wasn't for me.


we pull up to the mcdonald's that the triplets used to film at, and we get in the drive thru line to get boo buckets. i've never heard of a boo bucket, so nick explains to me what it is before turning on the camera and updating the fans.

"oh no they don't have them!" nick exclaims as we pull up to the menu. chris' jaw drops and i can only help but giggle at the sight of his facial expression. 

"can we get four pumpkin spice iced coffees?" nick asks the woman through the drive thru speaker. 

"what do you want, babe?" matt asks as he turns around in his seat to look at me. i can see chris cringe out of the corner of my eye, but i ignore him. the whole 'babe' thing started as an inside joke since chris always calls matt that name, so matt and i make fun of him by mocking it. he also hates hearing us call each other that. we did it to annoy him a few months ago but i can't tell if matt still says it for the joke or not.

"i'm okay," i smile, matt immediately knowing i just don't want them to pay for me.

"no, really, we got it. what do you want?" matt asks again as nick orders a 20-piece chicken nugget meal for matt.

"fine, can i get chicken nuggets too?" i ask. matt nods and taps nick so he knows to order for me too. "thank you guys so much, i'll pay you back." i smile, they just said i don't need to worry about it.

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