babysitter - matt

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IN WHICH...  you and matt are dating, and you're tired of your mom leaving you to babysit your younger siblings constantly.

y/n's pov

today i stayed home. i've been so tired and drained lately, that i just thought it would be nice to relax for a while. my younger siblings are at my dad's house this weekend, but they come back today, and my mom has been out all-day running errands.

it was nice having the house to myself, until i heard a knock on the door. i went to open it since i knew it was my dad with my siblings, and my siblings ran past me and straight to their rooms. i don't like my dad, which is why i choose to not go to his house. i'm 18 now, so it is my decision. he could care less about me, i'm just glad he straightened out his parenting act for my younger siblings.

i say a small hi and bye to him before closing the door and locking it once again. i call my siblings back over so i can give them hugs. my mom said she was going to take them somewhere tonight as a surprise and they were so excited. the plans changed when my mom walked through the door.

"hey honey," she says. i just force a smile and she rolls her eyes. she's already pissed me off and it's been thirty seconds of her being home. i already know that when she greets me with 'honey' that she's about to break the news. the news that never surprises me. "so i got invited on a date... very last minute. it's tonight, i need you to watch liam and aubrey-"

"i know." i deadpan, avoiding her gaze. "why do you do this?" i ask, turning to face her.

"it's last minute, i'm sorry but i have to go."

"or you could just stay here and be a parent. you could've told dad, so he could've kept the kids another day. i'm not their mom, you are. why can't you act like one?"

"i do act like one." she rolls her eyes.

"moms don't go out every night on dates with a guy and expect the oldest kid to babysit. i have shit to do-"

"don't talk to me like that." she points her finger at me.

"don't change the subject." i shrug.

"you don't have a choice, you're staying here with your siblings. no questions asked." she snarls. the temptation to go off on her fills my veins. i'm pissed.

before i can say anything else, she grabs her coat and turns to leave without saying goodbye. i roll my eyes and exhale as i turn around to put my hands on the counter and check my phone. there's a text from my boyfriend matt asking if i want to come over tonight, since i was going to be home alone. i fight my tears of frustration as i type a reply but i was interrupted by a call from him. i pick up and try my best to hide my shaky voice.

"hey y/n. are you okay?" he asks softly.

"yeah, just upset." i say in a lighthearted tone to cover my voice.

"what happened?"

"just my mom... pissing me off again. i'm sorry, i wish i could come over but i have to watch my siblings again. surprise surprise." i say into the phone.

"i'm sorry babe, you don't deserve this." he mumbles.

"it's okay... i'm just frustrated because she doesn't care about my plans or me-" i start to sob.

"shh, it's okay." he says. "did you ask your dad to take them again?"

"last time i did that i got in a lot of trouble." i sigh.

"here, how about this? i'll come over to your house. i can help you watch them and we can still watch the movie we wanted to see." he says. 

"okay, thank you." i say with a sad smile, although he can't see me. "i love you."

"i love you too, see ya in a bit," i hear him say before he hangs up.

within ten minutes, matt pulls into the driveway. right as i open the door, i throw myself into his arms and grab the back of his hoodie. 

"i missed you." he says as he rests his chin on my head.

"i missed you too," i mumble into his chest before pulling away and thanking him for being here for me.

"always, that's what i'm here for," he smiles as we walk inside.

my siblings love matt, he's so good with kids and they love playing pirates with him. his pirate accent always makes me die laughing, and the kids love it too. they all play pirates as i order some pizza, ordering extra toppings and desserts to put on my mom's card. she deserves the extra charges. 

once liam and aubrey get tired and go to sleep, matt and i finally get the chance to watch the movie we've been wanting to see all week. it just became available on our home tv's, so we're excited to see it since we didn't get to in the theaters.

"i'm excited," matt smiles.

"me too, wanna make popcorn?" i ask. matt's face lights up and he nods before jumping up to help me.

once i take the popcorn out of the microwave, i start to pour it all into a bigger bowl. i feel arms wrap around my waist and i smile as he hugs me. once i'm done, i turn to hug him and i wrap my arms around his neck.

we sit on the couch and matt pulls me into his side before throwing the blanket over both of us. we start the movie and i snuggle into his side.

"thank you, matt."

"for what?"

"for being here for me," i smile.

"you already said that earlier." he giggles and looks down at me.

"i want to make sure you know," i smile and he leans down to give me a quick kiss.

"i'll always be here for you, i love you"

"i love you," i say as the movie starts.


idk lmao

i haven't updated this in a while so i wanted to do this since i randomly thought of it. it's inspired by my friend who always has to watch her little siblings while her parents go out :/

if you're going thru this, i'm sorry.

love you guys and thanks for reading! pls vote and follow


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