Unexpected Interaction

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As the second presentation concluded, the students began to gather their belongings and gradually filter out of the classroom. The clock had already ticked past four in the evening, casting elongated shadows in the room. Eva, meanwhile, took her time carefully packing her things, all the while keeping an eye out for an opportunity to speak with Sir Steven privately. Although she knew she could approach him in front of others, she preferred not to draw unnecessary attention.

While Eva contemplated her chance to return Sir Steven's coat and engage in a private conversation, he, too, began collecting his materials. He happened to notice Eva's deliberate pace but he walked towards the door to leave. He stopped at the door as Peter had called him to clear some things about his assignment. While they were talking Eva decided to leave. It had started to feel awkward to wait any longer. 

Eva left the classroom, her plan to return the coat foiled for the time being. She felt a bit disappointed but hoped for another opportunity to speak with Sir Steven privately. Eva had parked her car outside the university once again, finding it convenient to navigate the crowded parking lot. As she settled into the driver's seat, glancing at her umbrella and coat, her phone rang, and she saw it was her mom calling.

While talking to her she noticed Sir Steven leaving the University and crossing the road to the other side of the campus.

'Mom send me the list I'll buy everything. I am hanging up now.' Eva said hurriedly and without hearing her reply she ended the call. 

As she was about to start the car, a sudden thought occurred to her. She realized that trying to turn her car around in the busy traffic to follow Sir Steven might take a while. With a quick decision, she exited the car, ensuring it was locked, and hurriedly made her way towards the pedestrian crossing.

Within a matter of minutes, she was walking briskly, following closely behind Sir Steven, maintaining a respectful distance between them. 

Sir Steven was on a call with his brother. 

'Yeah, I know all that. Why would I go in the rain again? and I have recovered now so don't worry. And tell Mom not to worry as well.' after a brief pause he said bye to his brother and ended the call. Despite the distance between them, Eva could hear whatever Sir was talking about over the phone. 

Eva felt a pang of guilt hearing the conversation as she understood that Sir Steven had gotten ill because he gave his coat and umbrella to her. 

Sir Steven was walking towards his home and Eva was mindlessly following him not sure if she should just leave and return his things some other time when Sir Steven spotted her. He called out her name 'Eva?' as he stopped walking. 

Eva also stopped walking at a distance. She gave a brief glance to his pale face and quickly looked away. Sir Steven broke the silence, 'Is everything alright? What are you doing here?' 

Eva felt embarrassment rush over her and her cheeks got red thinking how inappropriate it was of her to follow her teacher without his knowledge. She looked down at her hands, mustering up the courage to explain her presence there. 

She took a deep breath and finally managed to speak, her voice slightly shaky, 'I... I'm so sorry, Sir Steven. I didn't mean to follow you, and it's not what it looks like. I just... I had your coat and umbrella, and I thought I should return them.' But a sudden realization struck her mind; she left the things in the car. 

'It's okay. There was no rush. You didn't have to bother for that,' Sir Steven said with a warm smile, noticing her empty hands.

Eva quickly corrected her mistake, 'No, no, Sir, I have the things in my car. If you just wait here for five minutes, I can go and bring them.'

Sir Steven, always polite and considerate, suggested, 'Come, I'll walk you back to your car, and you can give me the things.'

As they walked side by side, a comfortable silence enveloped them. The scent of Sir Steven's perfume, reminiscent of the coat he had lent her, wafted through the air. Eva couldn't help but notice the refreshing manly scent, and it seemed to linger like a fond memory.

For Sir Steven, the close proximity to Eva made his heart race, and no matter how much he avoided interacting with her, he couldn't have imagined that he'd be walking alongside her at the end of the day. Eva, on the other hand, had a subtle, rosy fragrance coming from her that was both soothing and captivating.

They came to a halt at a pedestrian crossing, waiting for the green light to appear. Eva decided to break the silence, apologizing for the trouble she had inadvertently caused.

'Sir, I'm really sorry for all the inconvenience you faced because of lending me your coat and umbrella. I shouldn't have taken them in the first place. I'm really sorry for everything,' Eva confessed.

As the light turned green, Sir Steven glanced at Eva and suggested, 'Let's cross the road first.' They began walking towards Eva's car. Once they reached it, he reassured her, 'Don't feel bad about anything. I wouldn't have let you leave without those things, even if you refused to take them that day. So relax, and don't repeat this in front of anyone either.'

Eva took out the umbrella and coat, holding them up for Sir Steven to take. Sir Steven took the things from Eva's hand carefully, trying his best not to touch her but the tips of his fingers still made contact with her palm. As their hands momentarily brushed, a spark of electricity passed between them. Both felt the sudden connection, as they exchanged a brief, intense look.

'Drive safely,' Sir Steven said, distancing himself and heading back towards the pedestrian crossing. Eva watched him walk away, her heart racing for reasons beyond her apprehension. The awkward encounter left them both with a sense of anticipation as if a new chapter had just begun.

Eva arrived home, groceries in hand, but her mind was far from the task at hand. She moved through her evening routine in a trance-like state, unable to shake the lingering sensation of Sir Steven's touch. As she got ready for bed, she knew she needed to clear her mind. It was not appropriate to entertain the thoughts of her professor in such a way. But maybe I am only fond of him. Every student has a favorite teacher. Eva consoled her feelings in that way.

On the other side, Sir Steven found himself similarly captivated by the unexpected connection he had felt when their hands briefly brushed. He knew he needed to exercise caution. 'I should control my feelings,' he reminded himself as he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. 'Things will not turn out well if I do not stop myself right now.'

With those thoughts echoing in their minds, both Eva and Sir Steven drifted off to sleep, each trying to quell the powerful emotions that had arisen from their brief encounter.

The growing attraction and connection between Eva and Sir Steven continued to cast a spell over them, making it increasingly difficult to deny their feelings. Eva's anticipation of Mondays became a mix of excitement and longing, a day she looked forward to even more than before. On non-class days, she couldn't help but find herself wandering around the university, hoping for a chance to meet Sir Steven or catch a fleeting glimpse of him.

Sir Steven, however, was resolute in maintaining professional boundaries. He knew he had to exercise extreme caution. He kept a watchful eye on his thoughts, making sure they didn't wander unnecessarily towards Eva. She was his student, and he was well aware of the potential consequences of any inappropriate rumors or perceptions. It was he who had found himself unexpectedly drawn to her, not the other way around.

Their unspoken attraction continued to simmer beneath the surface, adding a layer of complexity to their relationship. Each day brought with it the challenge of maintaining their professional demeanor while their hearts tugged them in a more personal direction. The undeniable connection between them remained, a silent force that neither could easily dismiss.

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