The Drive

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Sir Steven left the classroom and went to the common room to find some moments of respite. The unexpected physical contact with Eva had left him somewhat overwhelmed. He could still feel the warmth of her touch on his fingers, and his heart which was pumping frantically moments ago, was gradually returning to a calmer rhythm. He took a piece of paper and gently fanned his ears and cheeks to dispel some residual warmth. Afterwards, he retrieved his coat from the cupboard and decided to head home.

Meanwhile, Eva stood near the pedestrian crossing, waiting for a taxi. When Sir Steven exited the building, his eyes fell upon Eva, and he had to pass through the same pedestrian crossing. He halted beside her and asked, 'You haven't left yet?'

Eva was startled to see Sir Steven standing beside her and replied, 'Oh, um, I'm waiting for a cab, Sir. I didn't bring my car today.'

After waiting for the light to turn green, they crossed the road together. Once on the other side, Sir Steven expressed his concern, saying, 'I don't know if it will be okay for you, but I can drive you home if you want. It's not safe to travel alone.'

A warm smile graced Eva's face upon hearing Sir Steven's offer and concern. 'It's okay, Sir. Don't worry. My home is just fifteen minutes away.'

After many reassurances, Sir Steven began walking back towards his own home. A little way into his walk, he turned to find Eva still waiting at the pedestrian crossing. He retraced his steps towards Eva and said, 'Eva, come with me,' and without hesitation, he took her hand impulsively, and together they walked towards his apartment.

Eva struggled to keep up with his brisk pace, and she continued to inquire, 'Sir, what happened? Is everything all right?' However, Sir Steven did not pause or reply. They walked hand in hand for a while, eventually stopping outside the building where his apartment was located. He turned to Eva, her face slightly pink and her breath slightly labored. Sir Steven released her hand and said, 'Sorry, I didn't realize I was walking so fast while holding your hand.'

Eva waved her hand, indicating that it wasn't a concern. Sir Steven then took out his car keys from his bag and invited her to get into the car. 'I'll drop you home. You wouldn't have been this late if the test wasn't delayed, so I should take responsibility."

Eva pondered for a moment, unsure of what to do.

'You can ask your parents if there is a problem. I won't mind.' Sir Steven added with a smile and opened the back door of the car to place his belongings in the backseat. 

Eva contemplated for a few more moments. She wanted to accept his offer, but she was concerned about the potential consequences if their drive together were discovered. She didn't want to put Sir Steven in an uncomfortable position due to her presence.

Sensing her hesitation, Sir Steven reassured her, saying, 'If you're worried about what people might say, I promise that this will stay between us. And I don't think anyone from our acquaintances will be out here this late, so the probability of being seen together is also quite low.' He then closed the back door and stood in front of her.

Eva finally made up her mind and said, 'Okay. I'm sorry for bothering you, Sir, but thank you so much for your help.' She decided to go with him. 

Sir Steven courteously opened the front door of the car for Eva, and after they were both comfortably seated, he started the engine and began driving. Eva provided the directions to her home, and a serene silence enveloped them during the journey. They shared the same space, side by side, with only the occasional words spoken when Eva guided Sir Steven on the route.

During the drive, a comfortable and genuine connection seemed to develop between them, despite the initial awkwardness. It was as if they could be themselves when they were together, and there was no need for pretense. Sir Steven felt that Eva's presence filled a void in his life, and Eva found that he had an easygoing and calming personality. Being around him made her feel at ease, and she didn't have to worry about walking on eggshells.

Sir Steven parked the car outside Eva's cozy-looking home exactly fifteen minutes later. He turned towards her and spoke gently, saying, 'There you go. It has gotten quite late today, so I'm sorry for that once again.'

Eva reassured him, saying, 'It's okay, Sir. You don't have to apologize. But thank you so much for the ride. Drive back safely.'

With that, Eva got out of the car, and Sir Steven looked at her one last time before driving away, leaving her at her doorstep.

Eva walked inside and was about to close the door when her mother's voice came from outside, 'Hey Eva, wait for me.' 

Eva opened the door again and saw her mother walking towards her from outside. She had been in the garden waiting for Eva. 

'What were you doing outside so late?' Eva asked closing the door behind them. 

'Shouldn't I be asking the same?' Her mother replied lifting her eyebrows, a big smile on her face. 

'Mom I told you my test has been postponed to after the class. I am so tired right now.' Eva replied. 

'And who dropped you off?' her Mom asked.

Eva turned to look at her Mom and said, 'Oh, it was Sir Steven. I was waiting for the cab when he insisted on dropping me off.' 

Mrs. Foster's eyes got wider as she remarked, 'I didn't know Sir Steven was this young.' 

Sir Steven arrived at his home, a sense of tumultuous thoughts and emotions swirling within him. As he changed his dress and prepared his dinner, the events of the day replayed in his mind.

He had never imagined that the day would unfold in such a manner, leaving him in unexpected and intimate proximity to Eva. Despite his best efforts to maintain a certain distance, fate had conspired to draw them closer. The impromptu decision to escort her home left him in disbelief at his own audacity. And the sensation of their intertwined hands was a gesture that he hadn't anticipated when he'd started his day at the university. 

Sir Steven's thoughts swirled with a sense of caution as he struggled with his emotions for Eva. He knew that if others discovered his emotions, it could lead to complications.

As he continued to think over his predicament, 'It's good that only two more months are left for the semester to end. Our interactions would naturally decrease afterwards and perhaps with time,' he mused, 'these intense feelings will gradually subside, and I can find a way to manage them discreetly.'

Eva, lying on her bed, couldn't help but replay the events of the day in her mind. She held her hand that Sir Steven had clasped earlier, pondering her emotions.

'He's polite and kind to everyone,' she thought, trying to rationalize her feelings. 'It's not like he's singling me out for special attention. But then, what about holding hands?' Frustration welled up within her as she rolled over in her bed, unable to make sense of her confusing emotions. Sleep seemed elusive in the midst of her turmoil.

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