chapter two

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*two*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Miss is going to have such a wonderful time with Master Regulus. Kreacher is so happy that Miss is going to be at school with Master Regulus." Kreacher rambled as he assisted Cassiopeia in packing her trunk. She was to leave for Hogwarts the next day and Kreacher was eagerly bustling around her room like a storm in a teacup. Cassiopeia knew that there was more on the small house elf's mind.

"Kreacher?" Cassiopeia called out, causing the house elf to pause his efforts in lifting one of her thirteen piles of books. "I'm going to miss you. You know that? I always do." She smiled down as his watery eyes glanced up at her. "You are going to miss me, aren't you Kreacher?" She asked rhetorically with a teasing smile.

"Of course, Miss. Kreacher always misses you when you are away. It makes Kreacher so sad to see you go." The house elf replied melancholy. He hated when the twins left, but was glad to see them together as they should be.

"Well, now me and Reggie are at Hogwarts together, I spoke to Mother and Father and they said you are to be our personal house elf." Cassiopeia smiled as Kreacher looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "So, that means you can come and visit us whenever you like! You don't have to answer to Mother and Father anymore. Just me and Reggie." Cassiopeia paused, thoughtfully. "And you know, the day you want to stop, all you have to do is ask. And you'll be given all the clothes in the world. But I expect you to still come to dinner sometimes! I'd miss you too much!" She grinned as she crouched to his small height.

"Oh Miss Cassiopeia! I'd never abandon you. You is Kreacher's Miss and Master Regulus is his Master-" Kreacher began to blubber before he was interrupted.

"You are our family Kreacher." Regulus told the house elf as he entered the room and crouched beside his twin. "You are ours, Kreacher. Our family. Toujours et pour toujours. Always and forever, Kreacher."

The twins glanced at each other, sharing a smile before they both leant down and wrapped Kreacher up in a hug. The three stayed in that moment for a period of time that none of them measured - they revelled in the safety of each other's arms.

Eventually they broke apart and finished packing and with a low bow and flushed cheeks as Cassiopeia blew him a kiss, Kreacher left the twins alone.

"I know we aren't being separated this year but can we still have our back to school sleepover?" Regulus asked almost shyly as he looked at his feet as he kicked up the rug childishly. Cassiopeia grinned at the younger boy before leaning over and shoving him ever so gently, making it clear she was being gentle before she pushed.

"Tradition is tradition Reggie! You didn't really think I'd let this one go that easily did you? Come on! I snuck us a few boxes of Bertie Botts and some muggle books!" She laughed as Regulus reached for a pillow and smacked her with it as the two began their yearly pillow fight.

They'd always spend the night before returning to school together as they hated the separation. The two would gorge themselves on sweet treats and gossip about the latest scandals in high-society before making themselves comfortable and reading whatever muggle book Cassiopeia had managed to get her hands on - Regulus never did know where she got them from.

"So," Regulus began as he threw an Exploding BonBon in the air before swiftly catching it in his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as steam came out of his ears, "tell me what that wonderful brain of yours learned the other night."

"Not an awful lot. But not quite nothing. This dark wizard is moving up in the world. Rubbing shoulders with a lot of upper class purebloods. I would assume building strong alliances and followers. He's familiar with one of the Burke's but that's come from Hector Burke, so I don't believe that completely. Apparently this dark wizard wishes to eradicate all non-purebloods." Cassiopeia shrugged as she placed a Bertie Bott's Bean in her mouth, smiling when a burst of strawberry exploded on her tongue.

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