chapter three

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"So are we gonna discuss the latest in the Black family drama or?" Barty asked as he beat a pattern onto a collection of barrels revealing a door which the Slytherins walked through quietly.

"Oh my goodness!" Cassiopeia squealed, temporarily distracted by all the big eyes staring up at her in curiosity. They'd arrived in the kitchens and were met with an army of house elves.

"Master Regulus!" "Master Evan!" "Master Barty!" All the house elves simultaneously shouted as they realised exactly who had entered. A polite grin spread across Cassiopeia's face as a small house elf shyly made its way over to her, wringing its hands out nervously.Crouching down, she held out her hand to the small elf.

"Hello there. I'm Cassiopeia. What's your name?" Cassiopeia asked the shy elf as it blinked up at her, hesitating to take her hand. "You can take my hand. It's okay."

"Willow. I is Willow, Miss Cassiopeia." Willow replied quietly, gently taking Cassiopeia's hand in her own and smiling when Cassiopeia shook it.

"Well Willow, you are just about the cutest elf I've ever laid eyes on." Cassiopeia grinned as Willow looked up at her.

With big watery eyes, Willow promptly burst into tears causing Cassiopeia to look worriedly at the boys who all hid their chuckles behind their hands. "Oh Miss Cassiopeia is so lovely. Oh, Miss." Willow whimpered as she blubbed, clutching at Cassiopeia's skirt.

"Willow, sweetness. Please stop crying, it's okay." The only elves Cassiopeia had experience with were either monotone and uninterested in her existence or Kreacher, who was family to her. She wasn't used to all the tears and faff to be honest.

"Ah the heartless Black, making house elves crumble from her kindness. Who'd have seen that coming?" Barty smirked as he helped himself to a pastry one of the elves passed him.

"Shut it Bart." Cassieopeia shot a playful glare as they all sat down around a table whilst Willow wiped her tears furiously.

"What is Miss Cassiopeia wanting? Willow will make whatever Miss wants." Willow asked, placing her little hands on her bony hips, determined to please her new friend.

"Well, I'd love a cookie or two if you wouldn't mind, please?" Cassiopeia smiled, not wanting to put the poor house elf out.

"Of course Miss. I will make you many cookies, just you wait."

The quartet sat in comfortable silence as they watched the house elves bustle around the kitchen making cookies for them. Cassiopeia took in her surroundings, making note of the small details such as one elf had on a woolly hat and gloves, whistling as he worked. Another elf kept looking over to a smaller one, smiling fondly as it worked - clearly a mother figure to the younger elf. Willow was smiling as she mixed up the cookie batter, stealing glances at Cassiopeia and blushing when caught.

"So my darling Cassie, what is the goal here? What's the mission?" Barty asked as he threw a peanut in the air and caught it in his mouth.

"No mission. No goal. Just have fun until the inevitable happens." She hummed in response, waving her hand in circles as green wisps followed her fingers.

"And the inevitable being?" Evan pressed, watching the green wisps in fascination.

"Mother and father call us to aid the Dark Lord." Regulus sighed as Willow placed cookies in front of them. "Thank you Willow."

"My, my. Willow, these are spectacular. Thank you." Cassiopeia thanked as she tucked into the food and the house-elf grinned so hard the young girl was worried the poor elves face would split.

"Willow is happy to make Miss food. Whenever Miss wishes." Cassiopeia smiled at her as the elf left them.

"So you're going to be the Dark Lord's bitches then?" Evan smirked.

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