chapter six

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*six*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The Great Hall was lively as ever, the usual early morning chatter filled the room as students settled in for breakfast. The Slytherin table was already half filled with students, their green and silver ties glistening in the early morning light as they poured themselves pumpkin juice and helped themselves to the spread of food.

Cassiopeia entered the hall, leading the way with Regulus as they were flanked by Evan and Barty, briefly muttering goodbye's to Pandora as they made their way to their table. The four of them moved in what looked like a practised formation, drawing many a curious and wary eye their way as they took their seats.

It had become routine for the boys to pile up Cassiopeia's plate at this point for every meal and breakfast was no exception. They filled her plate with golden pastries and raspberry jams, smiling earnestly at her when she hummed in appreciation at the taste. She wasn't sure why they did it, but she knew it made them happy so she let them.

They were just beginning to settle into the morning's rhythm when the soft rush of wings filled the hall- the owl post had arrived. Hundreds of owls swooped in from the high arched windows, the sound of their wings momentarily overwhelming the chatter. Cassiopeia wordlessly cast a preservation and protection spell over her food as well as her friends - she didn't trust the owls, or their bowel movements when it concerned her food. Letters and parcels rained down on the tables, each student eagerly reaching for their deliveries. A sleek, black owl with a collar holding the Black Family Crest on it, landed in front of Cassiopeia and Regulus, a copy of the Daily Prophet tied neatly to its leg.

Cassiopeia felt the hairs on her aim stand on end slightly as she read the headline:


Her breath caught in her throat slightly - it seemed the Death Eaters as they were now called were wasting no time. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she began to read the article to her friends out loud.

"In the early hours of this morning, five Muggles were found brutally murdered in what authorities are calling the latest Death Eater attack - Death Eaters being followers of the Dark Wizard on the rise." She began as she peered at her peers' reactions, watching their furrowed brows before continuing. "The victims, a family of four and a local shopkeeper, were discovered in their homes in the small village of Cotton. Witnesses report the Dark Mark floating above the village. They also report that the family's screams could be heard echoing through the village, though no one dared approach the house until it was too late. The bodies were found in a state of grotesque disfigurement, signs of prolonged torture evident on each victim."

"Fucking hell. It's really happening isn't it?" Barty murmured as Cassiopeia lowered the paper slightly. "Does it say anything else?"

Raising the paper again to read, Cassiopeia swallowed as she scanned the abhorrent details. "The Cruciatus Curse was used extensively, leaving the victims with shattered bones and their skin flayed from their bodies. The shopkeeper, a local grocer, was found hanging from the rafters of his own store, his face twisted in agony. The Ministry of Magic has launched a full investigation, though no arrests have been made at this point. We remind you to stay vigilant."

A thick tension settled over the Slytherin table, the usual morning chatter dulling as the news began to spread with rapid speed. Cassiopeia glanced around the room with a stoic expression. Regulus had informed her before her arrival that any sort of dark magic - the Slytherins were usually at fault, despite often having no part in the event. She noticed one of the Ravenclaw prefects - a tall, stern looking seventh-year - glaring in her direction, his face a mask of fury, as if she'd been the one to commit the atrocities. His hands clenched so tightly around his goblet that his knuckles had turned white, and his lips were pressed into a thin, angry line. With a sigh, she rolled her eyes and looked away.

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