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That One Winter Night
2. "Now promise me you're gonna be nice to him"

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
/Frank Sinatra/
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Marjorie glares out the backseat window of the black rented Range Rover, one could say she's still salty about the fact that a certain formula one driver her brother races with is meeting them at her favorite place in the world.

She drones out the sounds of her older brother and his girlfriend/her best friend, Jessica- or Jess as most call her- chat in the front seat and the sound of Frank Sinatra singing 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas'. While Lorenzo and his fiancé Mae are the typical planners of everything, Charles and Jenny were the ones that decided this trip. Well they decided on inviting people other than the Leclerc siblings.

See, since as far as even Lorenzo could remember the Leclerc family has travel to the small Christmas town in Switzerland named Zermatt. It was the one main splurge the Leclerc parents would give to their kids at Christmas. Then, when her parents got too old or busy to go, the Leclerc siblings took it up, they got together every Christmas no matter what to go. While the guys just saw it as another enjoyable Christmas tradition and vacation, to Marjorie the town held so much more meaning.

She just loves Christmas so much. Not adding the fact that she was born on the 24th in 1998 in the town of Zermatt (only Leclerc sibling not born in Monaco), she's also always loved the way the small town was lit up even when it was night. The aroma of Swiss hot chocolate melting not only her problems but also on her tongue. Her father felt the same way about Christmas as she did, so this was their thing. The time in the cabin was basically three weeks of the pair going overboard with Christmas activities and decorations. Every year he'd lift her up to put on the angel tree topper, and then they decorate the rest of the tree together while the movie Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. All of Marjorie's favorite moments were in that cabin with her dad.

Even though he died two years ago, the pain still hadn't scarred over. She hadn't watched the movie since, nor had she put the angel on the tree top- it didn't feel right to do it without him there. She always let one of her brothers do it while she decorated the rest of the tree.

"Marji?" Jess' voice cuts through Marjorie's zoned out mind. The brunette looks up from leaning against the cold glass window to look to her brother's girlfriend.

"Sorry can you repeat that?" She says, smiling apologetically to the other brunette sitting in the passenger seat, her hand interwoven with Charles' over the center console.

Jess just chuckles and repeats, "what are you plans for new years?"

Marjorie purses her lips together as she thinks for a moment, but then she just settles for, "let me just enjoy Christmas first before I have to plan anything"

The couple up front chuckles again, "well if you still don't have plans me and Charles are throwing a New Year's party at my place in Paris" Jess tells her friend.

Marjorie nods and snaps her fingers into finger guns, "I'll remember that when the time comes"

Jess smiles and turns back forward, marveling and pointing out the beauty of the Swiss mountains they're driving through to her smiling boyfriend. Charles' face is lit up the entire time, giving the surprisingly clear roads part of his attention while his girlfriend gets the better part of it.

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