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That One Winter Night
10. "Of course, I'm proud of you Marji"

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
/Dean Martin/
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Marjorie hadn't been able to wipe the smile off her face since Carlos helped her get back on the ice. It was like something clicked in her brain when she first stepped out in her rented ice skates. Like a wave of relief could finally wash over her.

Though, Carlos wasn't lying when he said he wasn't the best, he didn't let Marjorie hold back. He would simply hold onto the railing lining the rink as Marjorie found herself falling back into the trance ice skating always had on her. Carlos would watch her with a smile as she'd skate off, pull off a few tricks that left him wide eyed and proud, before she'd come back and pull him along with her.

He would've told her it was fine to leave him to enjoy herself but he selfishly loved when she'd come back to his side with a childlike smile before grabbing his hand to pull him along. Something just seemed right when her fingers intertwined with his.

And she felt it too.

She couldn't really compare it to how she use to feel about it because in all honesty she use to never want to be near him- let alone touch him. But it quickly became a drug to her brain. It was like a shot of dopamine hit her body when they'd even brush against each other.

She could've helped him skate along without holding his hand or being so close their shoulders brushed every five seconds, but she didn't want that.

She didn't know why, or at least she thought she didn't.

As she sat down on the bench she once sat on while filled with fear and anxiety, she now sat with a lightness in her chest. Carlos had just left to return their skates, leaving an empty spot for Charles to take up.

Marjorie looked up at her older brother when he cleared his throat.

"You looked good out there" Carlos wasn't the only one who watched her with wide eyes. All three Leclerc brothers couldn't help but watch with pride.

Marjorie's smile somehow grows brighter at the compliment from her older brother.

"Thanks, i guess you were right about doing made it easier" she says it with a shrug and a joking smile which only makes Charles push her shoulder before Carlos rejoins them. Charles smiles to himself when he sees Marjorie attention immediately shift to him, saving the way he sees his sister's face almost soften from her usual RBF is a detail he saves to share with his girlfriend.

Charles wants to say something just to mess with Marjorie- and Carlos- but holds his tongue, instead patting her shoulder and standing up while asking if they're ready to leave.

The duo nods and Charles walks away.

But before Carlos can follow his Ferrari teammate away, Marjorie says his name.

He turns to her, expecting her to say more but he's taken by surprise when she slowly- as if hesitate- wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"Thank you" she says softly. Carlos, as if hesitant this is all a trap or something, slowly wraps his arms around her waist. Then, when Marjorie tightens her hold, Carlos does the same and pulls her tight against his chest.

That One Winter Night <> CS55 Where stories live. Discover now