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That One Winter Night
5. "Are you making out?"

You're a mean one Mr Grinch
/Thurl Ravenscroft/
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All lunch Marjorie couldn't get Jess' words out of her mind. She's lost in her head, drowning out the sounds of conversation between the others while she pokes at her salad that no longer sees appealing. Almost everyone just goes along with it after she told them she was just a little tired.

Almost everyone.

She looks up with a frown when someone hits her shoe. The guilty one doesn't even try to hide that he's the one who kick her shoe.

"Are you okay?" Carlos quickly asks over the table. Marjorie frowns, not liking that he's caring as it only makes Jess' words circle her mind even more. She didn't want to think about what she had said, so she just nodded and tried to look away from his big brown eyes that seemed to search her face.

She tried to go back to poking at her salad but once again, Carlos tapped his foot against her foot and leaned over to say, "what's wrong?"

Marjorie huffed and wished she looked up to find someone who didn't care. But the way his eyes danced across her face made her want to cover it. Not because he seemed to scrutinize her but because he looked too deeply at her. His eyes held a warmth she never realized was there.

And she didn't like it.

'The eyes never lie, I can see it in both of your eyes'

The words echoed in her mind. She wish she could see herself, look at her eyes and see what Jess was talking about.

"I'm fine" she mumbled and forced herself to look away. She could feel his eyes on her and it unnerved her in a way she couldn't explain.

She was over thinking everything times ten. Jess said he looked at her a certain way and now Marjorie wanted it explained in great detail. How did he look at her? Did he realize or was he seemingly blind to it like she was. Which brought a whole new question to her mind, how did she look at him? She didn't think there was anything special about the way either of them looked at the other.

"Marji" Carlos whispers her name, though, he could shout it as the others were too lost in their mindlessly coupley discussions.

"What?" Marjorie huffs out and refuses to look up from her salad until Carlos nudges her leg again.

"Touch me again and I will stab you with this fork" Marjorie says, looking and glaring at him while holding the plastic fork she was using. Carlos chuckles with a doubting look, "I don't think that'll work all they well"

"Wanna test it?"

Carlos let's out another laugh before saying, "after you tell me what's wrong"

Marjorie groans again and leans against her chair, "nothing is wrong Carlos" she snaps before shoving the chair backwards to stand up quickly.

"Jess is crazy, Jess is crazy" she repeats under her breath as she storms out of the buffet. It's only when she pushes the door open and the cold wind hits her that she realizes she's forgot her coat.

That One Winter Night <> CS55 Where stories live. Discover now