14. Magnus

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Giddy Up! / Harwin Strong out now!!

Bran watched Salem as she twisted the blade around. Meanwhile Brienne began striking at Podrick while he blocked her blows. But Brienne hit Podrick in the stomach with the hilt of her sword and he landed on the ground with a grunt and thud.

"And don't --" Brienne began. Podrick sat back annoyed and frustrated.

"Don't fight someone like her in the first place." Arya remarked approaching them in the courtyard. Pod stood up and retrieved his sword. Arya got closer though.

"It's been awhile since I've trained." Arya remarked.

"I can go and find the Master of Arms for you, My Lady." Brienne offered.

"He didn't beat the hound. You did." Arya countered.

"What ever happened to Clegane?" Salem questioned. 

"I left him for dead." Arya answered.  Salem sighed. 

"Mother would be so disappointed, I'm so proud." Salem mused. Arya laughed out. 

"Move aside, Podrick." Brienne demanded. Arya drew free Needle. "You can't use that, My Lady. It's too small." Brienne corrected.

"Thats from Jon." Salem recognized. "You still have it."

"I won't cut you. Don't worry." Arya countered smugly. 

"Stab a few holes in her maybe." Salem offered innocently. Brienne struck at Arya who quickly sidesteps and parries the attack. Brienne attacked again and Arya sidestepped, dodging multiple strikes and parries from Brienne, Brienne was impressed and couldn't stop her smile as Arya dueled brilliantly against her.

"Hey gorgeous." TOrmund remarked. Salem put a hand on her stomach, her face pinched. "You dont have to pretend to hate me, I know you like me." Tormund assured, the blade slipped through her fingers and tormund knelt, picking it up. 'I feel like I'm proposing." He mused. Salem's face turned red as she tried to breathe. Tormund got up quickly and held onto her. "You faking a heart attack to get away from me?"

"Baby." She whispered. 

"Aw am I your ba-" Tormund began. She grabbed his beard and tugged it hard. 

"This baby." She seethed. 

"Oh, that makes more sense." Tormund agreed before scooping her up. 

"What are you-"

"Dont argue with me, just enjoy the ride, my queen." 

"Who taught you to do that?" Brienne questioned and Arya smiled smugly as she answered

" No one."

"Can you teach me to fight like that?" Rickon asked stepping closer. Theon nodded, that was impressive, his gaze shifted to Tormund carrying Salem away though and worry filled him. 

Meanwhile, Bran's eyes were pure white. They washed back to their normal color. He was sitting in front of the Weirwood. Something he used to think was scary but that was a long time ago. Maester Wolkan stood beside him.

"Ravens. We need to send ravens." Bran demanded.

"Lord Bran, the queen has gone into labor." Wolkan remarked calmly. 


As much as Salem didnt want to rely on anyone, she was glad to have Tormund beside her, would have rather had Jon but he was far away. Would have really liked for Ramsay not to have been a cunt but she supposed that Tormund was a good substitute for the time being. 

Tormund tried not to cringe at the pain of Salem gripping his hand as she pushed life into the world. He felt his joints popping out of place but he offered her a pained smile and offered to pull the babe out. She used all her strength to elbow him in the chest. 

"Only trying to be helpful." Tormund assured. 

"Almost there my queen." 

It felt like an eternity before she heard cries, she let out a breath of relief, slumping back into the bed, she felt disgusting, probably looked disgusting too but with how Tormund was looking at her, she would have thought she looked like a goddess. 

"A son!" The maesters praised. Flurry of the newest Bolton spread quickly throughout winterfell, their queen had an heir. 

Salem stared down as the baby boy was placed in her arms. She smiled down at him touching his little face, cleaning off the gobbers. 

"Leave us." Salem requested after they cut the chord. The room cleared out except for Tormund, he smiled down at the babe. An outside eye might have thought with how devoted Tormund had been that this baby was his. 

"We make a handsome little fella." Tormund remarked. 

"We did nothing." Salem corrected. 

"Not yet." He winked back at her. 

"I would thank you for being here for this but then you would get it in your head that I like you, which I don't." Salem assured, bundling up her babe. 

"Sure, sure, whatever you need to tell yourself." Tormund agreed. "Tormund Junior. TJ thats cute. Hello little-"

"Magnus Robb Stark - Bolton." Salem declared. 

"Magnus." Tormund repeated.  "It's no Tormund but I suppose its a good name." 

"It means the greatest," Salem informed him. "And my son will surely be the greatest." Her little prince. Thick black hair and deep blue eyes, he was going to be heartbreaker. 

"Get out Tormund." Salem added as Magnus slapped his little lips. 

"Come on, we are bonding." 

"He's hungry." Salem corrected. 

"Oh, I dont mind, I have been wanting to see your impressive chest since I locked eyes on you." TOrmund assured. 

"Get out." She demanded, her glare deadly. 

"I'm going to leave but I will be back." Tormund agreed getting up. "Good job my queen." he winked back at her from the door. 


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