𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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Four figures slowly walked to the Konoha Gates. Two of them were most likely teens, one of them holding a small piglet. Behind them, were taller and seemed to be in their thirties. The muscular man had long, white hair tied back, and the woman had her pale blonde hair in two loose pigtails.

The teenage girls were chatting happily, both seemingly no older than fifteen. The one holding the baby pig had black eyes and short hair. She wore a short sleeved, lavender yukata that reached mid-knee, wrapped together by a thick, long, red obi. She had black sandals that covered most of her feet, unlike the standard ninja shoes.

The other had her blonde hair tied up high, and wore a blue pendant around her neck that glinted in the sunlight, much like her oceanic eyes. She wore a black jacket, a hood attached, and a bright orange shirt underneath. She had slightly tight-fitting leather pants that ended just below her kneecaps, and a holster strapped to her right leg. She wore black heeled sandals.

The two chunin guards watched agape as the group went past them.

"Just now… did you see what I saw?"


"Holy crap."Come in!"

The door creaked as it opened, and a grinning Obito followed by Rin went in the office. "Hey, sensei! We heard a rumor… is Naru really back?"

"Huh, news travels fast, eh? Well, yes; the messenger bird came in just a moment ago."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, and everyone knew the chakra signatures behind it.

The door revealed Uzumaki Naru, with Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shizune standing behind her.

"Yo! How've you guys been while I was gone?" The blonde teen chirped.

Her teammates gaped.

"Uh… guys?"

Rin shrieked, as she jumped on her. "Oh my God, Naru! Can you really change this much? You look totally different!"

"Ah, that's 'cause I cut my hair and changed the style of my bangs slightly, I guess…"

Naru's blonde locks that used to reach near her waist were cut short, just grazing her shoulders. The front sides of her hair were shorter and framed her face, but most of it was parted to one side by a clip like it used to be.

Obito grinned, as he brought a hand up to measure her height. "Man, Naru, you sure grew! You're even taller than Rin now!"

Rin blinked, as she looked over Naru's shoulder. The blond noticed her stare, and grinned, "Guys, meet Shizune! Shizune, meet Rin and Obito!"

Rin landed her fist on her other hand, as if finally understanding something. "Ah, I remember! I saw you around the village before. You were friends with Asuma-san and Gai-san, right?"

Shizune nodded and smiled timidly, "Yes, it's nice to meet you."

"Same here!" Rin replied cheerfully. Obito grinned.Me too! Welcome back to Konoha!" The boy practically had stars in his eyes as he looked at Naru. "So… do you have souvenirs?"

Tsunade shook her head as the older group watched the four. "They sure are lively. Well, it's nice to see Shizune interact with her age group again."

Minato nodded, before coughing into his hand. "Naru, Jiraiya, I'll need to hear your report on the mission." He nodded as the rest left; a mission report was always classified. They were expected to shut their ears and go away.

Jiraiya spoke, "Well, most of the mission was a complete success. We somehow managed to get Nagato and Konan on our side, and signed the peace treaty with all but one of the villages.

♥︎|𝕹𝖆𝖗𝖚,𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌|𝕾𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖑|♥︎Where stories live. Discover now