𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Naru gulped, helplessly staring at the floor as she listened to the agony filled screams—and was it just her, or was there the sound of bones cracking?

Today was the day.

The only thing that separated herself and Jiraiya from Karura, the Kazekage, and the nurses was the thick beige cloth that divided the hospital room. Naru looked up from her lashes to see Jiraiya's slightly pale face, and concluded that this was the only thing the man was bad at handling when it came to women.

She adjusted the big clay pot in her arms as she sat on a hospital bed, trying to loosen her death grip on it. The sounds coming out from the other side was causing her hands to clench onto it harder and harder, and Jiraiya had repeatedly scolded her for it.

It must have finally gotten on the last of his nerves, because the taller sennin had snapped and snatched the sealing kettle away from her.

"That's it, Karura-sama! Just once more!"

After one last pain-filled groan, a loud wail that shattered the tense atmosphere was heard. A blink, and then a large beaming smile gradually formed on Naru's face.

A tired-looking nurse took off her mask to reveal her grin as she slid the barrier, "You may enter now."

The blonde scrambled to her feet as Jiraiya did the same, though a lot more carefully with the pot in his arms. They rushed in on the scene of Karura adoringly holding her and the Kazekage's newborn baby, Gaara.

A blurry, vague picture of a redheaded man flashed in Naru's mind. Her lips parted slightly at the small, frail looking infant.

"Sabaku no… Gaara."

Jiraiya looked down at her, having barely heard her whisper, and his eyes softened at the tears that were swelling in her eyes. He then turned his gaze to the married couple in front of them; the Kazekage was having his turn at holding Gaara, while Karura held Kankurou and Temari adoringly, crying in bliss.

Naru looked back up at them as well, and broke into a weak laugh at the sight of the village leader's badly bruised and swelling hand―that was where the sound of cracking bones came from.

Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Naru looked up at Jiraiya. "Come on, we should hurry with the sealing process while they rest."

"A-Ah, yeah, we should.""I wonder how she's doing right now…"


"Ah, I wonder if she's getting asked out by guys there…"


"Hm... I wonder what type of guys are there in Suna… it's only three days away at most… I wonder if any of 'em are cute…" A pause. "I would personally go there on a visit to find some boys if I had the time… even I might find someone worthy."

Kakashi glared, snapping, "Would you shut up, Anko? I don't care about your love life—Oh, my bad. I should say the absence of your love life in this case, shouldn't I?"

"Why you—!"

"Maa, maa, Anko-chan!" Rin, who was sitting between them, laughed nervously, "I don't think Naru would appreciate you beating him up—"

"Who said I cared about what she appreciates or not!" The purple haired hothead ground her teeth harshly, and the only thing keeping her from slamming her foot on the table was Obito and Rin holding her back. "Heck, she'd probably be rooting me on about all this anyways!"

Obito gulped; he swore he saw fire burning through the Mitarashi's light brown eyes. "Anko… why don't you order some dango? That's what we're here for, remember?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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