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HIIII IM BACK GUYS. So kinda drifted away from stanning stray kids for like a whole year because of personal reasons but now i couldn't love them more. I decided to get back into writing again! I have done a lot of it lately (not skz related) and I feel like I have made so so much improvement. I would definitely just rewrite everything I've done in this book but it would get rid of all the cute comments you guys left loll. But it great to be back! MWahhh

11:30 PM:

With beads of sweat glistening on his furrowed brow, Minho stood back up to continue with the final dance of the day. A brief, pause of merely five seconds allowed him to catch his breath and refocus. The dimly lit dance studio echoed with the rhythm of the music.

The group was in the midst of promoting their upcoming comeback, intensifying their already tight schedules. The pressure was palpable, driving them to extend their practice sessions. As Lee Know danced, he felt the familiar strain in his muscles and the fatigue settling into his bones as his chest throbbed with a dull ache

Every beat of the music seemed to resonate with his heartbeat as he pushed through the routine. During his solo parts, he usually blended singing with his dance, but today, the exhaustion held him back. Despite the physical toll, he powered through, shirt clinging to his body, soaked with sweat.

When the final notes of the song faded into the silence of the studio, Minho collapsed onto the cool floor, breaths coming in ragged gasps. He hated the feeling of wearing himself out, yet he somewhat loved it. He sat up, running a trembling hand through his sweat-soaked hair.

He made his way to the counter, gathering his belongings. He pushed hair back and slipped on his baseball cap. As he exited the dance studio, his manager was waiting, ready to take him home.

"You ready to go?" the manager asked, receiving a nod from Lee Know.

They stepped out of the building and headed towards the car. The cool night air greeted them as they left the parking lot and merged onto the highway.

"Are you going home today?" the manager inquired, and Lee Know responded with a shake of his head. His manager understood immediately that it meant he would be driving to your house instead of his dorm.

They drove through the city, the hum of the engine providing a rhythmic backdrop to their thoughts. Silence enveloped the car, broken only by the occasional sound of tires against the road.

"How was practice?" the manager asked, attempting to strike a conversation. However, the question was met with the quiet embrace of slumber. Glancing at the rearview mirror, the manager saw Minho in a peaceful sleep, head resting against the window.

As the clock neared 7, the familiar turns in the road signaled their proximity to your house. Minho slowly opened his eyes and sat up straight, recognising the feeling of driving in your neighbourhood.

The manager parked the car right before your driveway, and Minho unbuckled his seatbelt, preparing to step out. He looked at the manager and sincerely said, "Thank you for driving me."

The manager nodded, a warm smile on his face. "Always," he replied.

With a grateful nod, he opened the car door and stepped out into the quiet night.

Y/n's POV:

I was laying on the couch, engrossed in my college assignment. As I delved into my studies, the familiar hum of an engine reached my ears, a sound that instantly made my heart skip a beat.

I glanced towards the window, recognizing the sound immediately. It was the distinctive rumble of the manager's car pulling up to the curb. My face lit up with a smile, a mixture of excitement and relief flooding over me. He was here.

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