2. gang fight | yoonmin

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I got a wild request and full creative control so yk this is gonna be a wilddddd chapter.


Jimin's pov

Shit shit shit they are catching up I can't let agust catch me.

" put you guys bike on max speed and take a right turn after going straight I am going to turn right here so they follow me"

"But leader-" , Jay

"Don't worry about me just do as I said"

Turning my bike to the right and leading the agust's gang to follow me after a whole 20 mins I got a signal that they have safely reached the headquarters. Now it's my turn to run.


A/n's pov

Jimin stopped his bike knowing now it's the end for him.

Jennie the most dangerous assassin of Agust's gang came in front of him and then began the fight.

But as known how can that smoll jimin can tackle 4 people together. Yes, he was caught.

They tied him up and he was taken to Agust's gang quarters.

Enters agust d

He pulled kitty up by his hair and made him sit on his knees.

"U guys got rid of all his weapons right."
Yoongi asked.

"Yes sir, and changed his attire as you asked us to." Lisa replied.

"Well then u guys can leave now lemme Handel from now onwards."

"The night is gonna be fun kitty"


Ayyyyyyyy yeahhhhhh I did it

All requests are open ask me to write anything and I would write it.

I purple you lovies 💜

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