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hammer head🔥literally how does any of this shit work

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hammer head🔥
literally how does any of this
shit work

TO GO ???

fish boy



you're all fake ass bitches
im lost too

you're literally standing
right beside me rn

ik i just wanted to say
something different

hammer head🔥

fish boy
now how come everybody
else got personal tour guides

i feel very neglected rn

percy you literally know your
way around what are you on about

fish boy

don't look at me

im a victim of charmspeak

i literally just said i didn't
know where i was going

then you OFFERED to help

as he should

walk him like a dog, re 😚


fish boy
im gonna sleep on the
highway istg

hammer head🔥
im gonna join you bc i STILL

i'll come help you when im done 😒

wait if i don't does that mean i
get the room all to myself?

hammer head🔥
do i mean nothing to you?

i mean...

hammer head🔥

   "for the love of the gods, please go help him." red groaned, throwing her head back at the ceiling as leo texted her for the thousandth time.

she and jason sat in her dorm room after he'd insisted on helping her bring up and set up all of her things, half the room now decorated to a tee with all of her sparkly and colorful things while they awaited annabeth's arrival.

"but it's so nice and peaceful in here." the blonde responded, leaning back into his hands as he closed his eyes in mock contentment.

"it's about to not be peaceful, beth and piper just pulled in." red told him, acknowledging the life360 notification on her phone, which was still being bombarded with messages.

"i still don't get why they insisted on splitting up instead of just rooming together. normally, we can't separate them if we try." he commented, opening his eyes and sitting up straight once again.

"admissions wouldn't let them, that's why. trust me, i was all set to room with reyna when they found out piper and annabeth were dating. had a whole mile-long email sent to them about why couples couldn't be roommates." red explained.

"can't believe pipes actually listened to the email and didn't try to find a way around it." jason chuckled.

"oh, she did. but you know annabeth's a stickler for the rules." she told him, pocketing her phone and moving to fill her drawers with her pre-folded clothes.

"i heard that!"

annabeth walked in with an armful of boxes, peering over the top of them to both see where she was going and shout at her roommate. piper followed in her footsteps, wheeling in a cart full of books.

jason shot right up to his feet, offering to annabeth, "here, let me help you with that."

"no, i've got it." she insisted, heaving a betraying deep breath as she smacked the boxes down onto her naked box spring.

annabeth had this thing where she was always determined to out-gentlemen every man she knew. he's going to hold the door? she's been holding it for ten minutes already. he's gonna carry one of your boxes? she's already got four.

"guess this is home sweet home for the next year. a nice . . . closet of a bedroom." piper remarked, eyes scanning around the small cubicle of a dorm room.

"it's not that bad." red shrugged, trying to telepathically transfer her positivity to piper. "besides, me and beth love each other."

"i don't mind cuddling." the aforementioned daughter of athena winked, to which her girlfriend swatted the side of her arm.

"should i leave? i'm starting to feel like a fourth wheel here." jason commented, as red and annabeth laughed together.

"yeah, you really should." piper said, now serious as she nodded and looked at him as if she was letting him down easy. "are boys even allowed in the girl's dormitories?"

"only during the designated hours." red answered, having already gotten the whole rule spill. boys were only allowed in the girls dorms from 8am to 10pm and vice versa, no pets, no outside guests overnight unless it's been arranged . . . . you get the idea.

"that's only if you get caught." jason added, inclining his head at the suggestion, mischief sparkling in his eyes.

piper released a faux gasp, slowly and dramatically placing a hand over her agape mouth.

"did those words just come out of jason grace's mouth?" she gasped, widening her eyes comically.

"oh, piss off." he scoffed, tossing a stray packing peanut from red's boxes at piper, who dodged it and watched as it ricocheted off annabeth's forehead.

annabeth froze, slowly turning her now murderous gaze to jason. the boy quickly looked down at his phone, which had been buzzing like nobody's business in his hand for the past ten minutes.

"oh, well would you look at that, gotta go help leo." he said, like if he didn't leave that very instant then leo would just erupt into flames. which he actually might've.

"yeah, you better get out." annabeth called towards the door, chucking a large pillow at it just as jason closed it. the pillow fell to the floor, and the girls all looked at each other.

"well i'm not picking it up." red said, putting her hands up in surrender as their voices all diffused into giggles.

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