Chapter Seven

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"Riley likes Farkle!" I whisper yelled to Lucas

"What? How do you know?" Lucas asked

"Her face when you mentioned Smackle! She instantly looked all sad because you said that her Smackle and Farkle have "a thing"." I explained

"Ok, so Riley likes Farkle." Lucas said

"We have to get them together!" I said hitting his arm

"Ouch! Ok ok we'll set them up, but we have to make sure neither of them find out." Lucas said

"Cowboy, your finally catching on." I smirked

He smiled back at me and we looked over to where Riley and Josh are. Riley's writing down a bunch of people to invite and Josh is just watching her and drinking his soda.

"Ok, now let's get back to her." I said grabbing Lucas's hand

We walked back in and sat back down on the couch next to each other. I took a peak at the list and didn't see Smackle on there. I smiled and took another bite of ice cream. Riley looked back up from the paper.

"Ok, so I have some people on here." Riley said handing me the list

I looked at it and saw Missy's name. I sighed and looked back at Riley. Lucas took the the list and looked at it too and gave Riley and questioning look.

"What?" Riley asked

"Why did you put Missy?" Lucas asked

"Yeah, she's a total bi-"

"Maya." Lucas said

"Sorry." I said laughing a little

Lucas laughed along with me too and Josh stood up and went back to the kitchen. Riley looked at Lucas and I and we stopped laughing.

"She's gotten nicer." Riley mumbled

I looked at Lucas and he looked just as shocked as I am. I looked back at Riley suddenly feeling angry.

"Riles, don't you remember what she did to me?" I asked

"Yeah but she-"

"Riley, Maya and I don't think she's changed so let's just not invite her." Lucas said

"How do you know what Maya thinks?" Josh asked coming back into the room

"Uncle Josh stop." Riley said

"No. Lucas thinks he knows exactly what Maya's thinking. Well, he doesn't. He hasn't  even known her as long as I have." Josh said glaring at Lucas

Lucas stood up and I grabbed his arm. He looked down at me and his face softened. I pulled him back down to sit next to me again.

"Don't let him upset you. He's just jealous." I whispered in his ear

Lucas smirked and he nodded his head understandingly. I saw how Josh was clenching his soda can and suddenly became frightened. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"I think we should leave." I said looking at Lucas

He nodded and stood up besides me. Josh gave his a glare and tightened his grip on the can. Riley could see I was frightened and she nodded standing up in front of me.

"Ok, but tomorrow we'll finish the invite list. Can you guys come again after work?" Riley asked

"I can't. I'm getting help from Jacob for my Mona Lisa paper." I said

Josh grip on the sofa can tightened so much it became crushed in his hand.

"Who's Jacob?" Lucas asked seriously

Riley and I giggled at how fast he asked and how serious he looked. He continued his silly look until I grabbed his hand.

"Just a friend cowboy. Don't worry." I said with a wink

He gave me his big adorable smile and I melted. Riley could see how much his smile affected me and she gave us another big goofy Riley smile. We laughed and started walking towards the door.

"I'll text ya later Riles!" I said walking out of the door with Lucas

"Bye love birds! Call me tomorrow!" Riley laughed

Lucas and I blushed so hard as we continued walking towards his car.




Maya and Lucas or Maya and Josh? Lucas is so adorable I just can't.

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