Chapter 5: false hope

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That night, Kris couldn't sleep. He kept on twisting and turning on his bed. 

He pulled a handful of his hair and groaned in frustration. He shouldn't have said that. He didn't know what go into him. 

Kris regret saying a sentence that would make a innocent girl's heart flutter and give her false hope. 

Kris wondered. Is it really a false hope? Maybe. Just maybe, it isn't.

He didn't know the answer to his questions. As a 16-year-old, he is confused with his feelings. 


"Always remember darling, don't be shy. This is a opportunity for you to get to know more people and gain friends." Isabela told Audrey as she parked at the road side in front of her new school.   

"Okay ~", Audrey said and looked at her new school with a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

Getting out of the car, her mom told her to have fun and wished her luck on her first day.

"You can do this Audrey, you can do this! Keep your chin up and relax. Don't be shy." Audrey said chanted it repeatedly in her mind as she held the straps of her bag tightly walking into the school. 


Audrey looked around and saw a bunch of students surrounding her. She didn't know where to go. It was so crowded. Because of her not so tall height, she felt really small. 

As she walked around trying to find her way to her first class, she saw someone who stood out from the large amount of students. It was Kris. Unknowingly, a smile crept on her face. She thought that maybe Kris could help her find her classroom so she went and approached him. 


"What's up bro!! Welcome back to hell! How was summer?" Tao, Kris's best friend, greeted Kris by the school gate and wrapped his left arm around the taller one's neck then messed with his hair. 

"Yah! Huang Zi Tao! Can you quit messing up my hair whenever you see me?" Kris said annoyed. 

"Never, bro. Never." Tao laughed and ruffled Kris's hair again. 

Kris stopped on his tracks and Tao asked what's wrong. 

"I have my death note with me, Tao. I can kill you in a few seconds" Kris whispered creepily to Tao. 

Tao gave Kris a look. "Pshhh. Are your jokes always this lame?" 

"YAH!!" Kris shouted and smacked Tao's head playfully.

"How can you hurt your bestfriend like this?" Kris acted as if his feelings are hurt. 

"You and your anime. tsk tsk. And your acting is really bad too, Kris. You'll have to work on it if you want to be an actor someday" Tao said. 

"Why are you so mean??" Before Kris could smack his head playfully again, someone placed an arm on their shoulders. 

"Ayo wassup bro's!!" Luhan greeted them. His arms hooked on Kris' and Tao' shoulder. 

"Hey Lu-ge!! Long time no see!" Tao greeted Luhan. 

"Sup LuLu. You've gotten prettier over the summer" Kris teased. 

"Yah!! How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me pretty?" Luhan said annoyed. 

Their bickering continued as they walked to the classroom but stopped when a girl approached Kris. 

"Hi Kris!!" the girl waved her hand. 

The three of them stopped walking an looked at her. Kris didn't know what to do. 

Yes, Kris thinks Audrey is pretty cute and she's kind but he's embarrassed to let his friends know that he is friends with a person that looks like that. Nerdy and Fat. 

Luhan gave her an elevator look. 

"She has her hair tied in a ponytail and she is wearing specs. She is wearing braces too! She's kinda chubby and her clothes ... OMG she looks like a total nerd!" Luhan said in his mind and frowned at the girl. 

"Kris, do you know her?" Luhan asked. 

"No. I don't know her. Let's go" Kris said and they went on their way. 


Eventually, Audrey found her way to her first class but she felt really upset. 

She went into the the classroom and took a seat near the window. The teacher hasn't arrived yet so she just stared out and let her thoughts engulf her. 

Why did kris ignored me? I thought he was my friend... Is it because I'm fat and I look like a nerd? Well, if he couldn't accept me for who I am, then so be it. I don't need a friend like him. But ... I thought he liked me. I'm sure he wouldn't say that just for fun. Or would he? Maybe he's just joking when he said that ...  What am I thinking?! Why would a person like him like ... me? AGHHH I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE!! 

"Hey..." somebody poked her.

"Huh?" Audrey was dragged out of her thoughts and realised she is pinching her cheeks. 

(whenever Audrey feels frustrated, she tends to pinch her cheeks really hard) 

"Are you okay?" A beautiful boy asked her. 

"oh ummm yeah I'm fine" she looked at him.

"I'm Baekhyun by the way" 

"I'm Audrey. It's nice to meet you, Baekhyun!" 

"I guess we'll be seat mates from now on!" he smiled. 

end of chapter 5. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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