Chapter 2: his famous gummy smile

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"Kris! What took you so long?" Chanyeol questioned kris the moment he entered his room.

"There's a new family that moved in next door and my mom asked me to give them a jar of cookies" kris replied with a blank face to Chanyeol.

The girl next door is stuck in his mind. She's pretty but she's not ? It's hard for Kris to explain. He can't put it into words. All he knows is, he have to meet her again. Not that he has to, he wants to.

When the movie have finished, it's almost dinner. Chanyeol and Baekhyun had to go home. Kris kept silent the whole time they both were around. He didn't tell them about the girl next door and how she manage to captivate him some way. Not every girl can captivate Kris in a few seconds.

She's different. He knows it.


"You ready sweetie?" Isabella asked Audrey who is tying her hair in the bathroom.

"Almost done Mom!" she replied back and combed her bangs one last time before applying lip balm to moisturise her lips and head out of the bathroom.

Changing their shoes, Isabella and Audrey went out of their house and headed towards her mom's car.

On the car ride to the mall, their car was filled with laughter as they sang along to the songs playing on the radio.

Once they had arrived in the mall, they both headed straight to the department store.

Her mom placed the necessary kitchen equipments on the cart since they had none.

"Audrey, let's not waste time. Why don't you go to the school supply section and get what you need? We still have lots of things to do" Her mom told Audrey.

"Okay! I'll be back in a few minutes"

Taking her ipod out of her pocket, Audrey plugged in her earphones and sang silently to the music.

~ Don't lie, bright eyes

Is it me that you see when you fall asleep?

Cause I know it's you I dream about every night

Giving me a feeling like

Love in the summer

Way I've never felt with another

Don't lie, bright eyes

Is it me that you see?

Tell me I'm not dreaming alone ~

She had chosen several notebooks and other necessary stuff. All of it was already placed inside her basket. Now, all that's left to chose from is pen and pencils.

"You have a nice voice" someone said from behind.

Audrey got startled that she dropped the several pens she was choosing from. She removed her earbuds and immediately picked up the pens she had dropped.

Someone helped her pick up the pens and when their eyes met, it was the same pair of brown mesmerising eyes yesterday.

"Hey" he greeted.

"Hello" Audrey greeted shyly.

Kris handed her the pens she dropped. "Uhm ... Thank you"

"You have a really nice voice" he complimented.

"Thank you" She muttered. "I'm Audrey by the way" She introduced herself and pulled up her black rimmed eyeglasses.

"That's a wonderful name. I'm Kris" he said and showed off his gummy smile.

Audrey giggled at his cuteness. "I really like the cookies your mom gave yesterday. It's delicious"

"I'll make sure to tell her that." he smiled.

"Well, i got to go now kris. It was nice talking to you" She waved and walked away.

end of chapter 2.

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