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15XX India

20 year old Fateh Afreed Mohammad stared at the vast desert expanse in front of him and his chest swelled with pride.

At just 20 years old with the guidance of his teacher Kabul Ali he had conquered this land defeating the Rajput King Govindnan.

Emperor Fateh was a handsome young man dark beautiful skin. Eyes as black as the kohl lining them.  

However, in the quest to mold the 15 year old young boy into a great Emperor Kabul Ali had filled his heart and head with ruthlessness. Telling him time and time again that any sign of sympathy, empathy, kindness towards anyone especially his enemies would be seen as his weakness and could and would be used against him.

And his teachings had taken fruit. Fateh had become a strong emperor feared by all but his heart was filled with darkness.

Kabul Ali approached the young emperor with a smile. 

"What are you thinking your majesty?" He asked

Fateh look at his teacher who had been like a father to him and smiled

 " Just looking at our land mamu( term of endearment used for mothers brother. He is giving him the affection he would give his mother's brother)   All this land"  he spread his arms wide to indicate the vastness of his territory " is all ours"

Kabul Ali put his hand on Fateh' s shoulder  and said " Of course Fateh. You are the true Emperor and no one can take it from you...unless.." 

Fateh furrowed his brows " unless what mamu?"

Kabul Ali looked at Fateh with an intense expression " No one can take this from you, Unless you let them" 

Fateh's eyes turned stormy and his face stony and intense as he turned straight to stare at the desert.

"NO ONE will take my throne. If they try I will show no mercy. People will remember my wrath for ages to come. "

Kabul Ali smiled a cruelly at Fateh's side. 

Once again he had managed to plant the seed of cruelty and doubt in Fateh's heart. 


I woke up with a start. I had a dream. a horrible one. I was running from someone, i do not know who but I remember the swords in their hands, and the sounds of the forest elements in my ears as i ran and ran and then...

I sat up suddenly and looked around. 

I wasn't in my office!

I was in some broken down room sitting on the ground. The only light coming in the room was from the small window near the top of the mud wall.

I put my hand to my head as a wave of pain went through it.

I sat there holding my head for a few minutes concentrating on my breathing to make the pain go away. After what felt like a few minutes the pain finally passed and i opened my eyes.

I exhaled shakily.

'Okay clearly something weird is happening. First lets assess our situation

It could be a prank by one of my friends. That's right, just a prank! They all have been sick of me working so late. Maybe they are just playing a practical joke on me to make me realize what a brood i have become!

I sighed, that's not possible. They wouldnt go so far for a joke. 

The only liable option is that i have been kidnapped. Kidnapped....but..im not tied down and no one's here. 

I look down at my hands to see a pair of silver bangles on my wrists. My brows knit together.  ' I dont own silver bangles' i thought ' and i never wore bangles to work' 

As i was looking at them i realized that i was not wearing my office pant and shirt, instead i was in a kurta. 

I touched my hands,legs and midriff. In the limited light coming in the room i could make out i was wearing a blue kurta and matching palazo adorned with intricate embroidery and a few jewels. And a blue dupatta

'What the..' Okay this is getting really freaky.

Im in an unknown location in strange clothes that are definitely not mine. 

I got up wincing at my hurting body and looked around once more. There was a door ,a mat and um..nothing else.

I turned around and frowned there was some red powder, a couple of leaves, alcohol and what looked like burned tree twigs.

Okay, something DEFINITELY weird happened here.

What is this? witchcraft? Have i been kidnapped by a cult?

But how did they get through building security? There are several guards on night watch in the premises.


"Find the girl!"


I swept my head towards the door as i heard scream and shouts coming from the outside. 

No way was i going out without checking what was going on out there first!

I pushed what looked like a small table towards the window and then stood on it on unsteady feet to look what was happening outside.

People were running around, shouting. Men wearing black clothes and a red pagdi on their head with swords in their hands were frantically searching houses and barns. 

Something was weird, everyone was wearing sarees and pagdis there was no light except for the candles lamps. This was definitely a village area.

Though i tried to be discreet one of the men in black clothes saw me and shouted something. Several of the men stopped what they were doing and looked towards me.

'Uh Oh. Time to run' 

I was not sure if they were running after me but i was not taking any chance.

In my haste to get down the table tripped and i fell on the ground on my hands and knees.

The door opened with a bang and several of the men with swords in their arms started approaching me.

"Yup. They were definitely looking for me"

My instincts took over and i grabbed two fistfuls of the golden brown dirt on the ground and threw it at at them. 

The dirt blinded them for a few seconds and i ran out of there. I ran like never before, pushing people,never stopping .

And like this I ran into the darkness of the forest. Where i would meet my future and my past. 

Back in time:16th century indiaWhere stories live. Discover now