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Fateh pulled his sword out of his enemy's body. It was over. He had finished what he had set out to do. 

He should be getting back to camp now. However, the night was dark, only moonlight to illuminate the aurroundings. Also he had no horse because of a particularly mouthy brown eyed girl.

He frowned as he remembered her. He had not been able to see her face as it was covered but he remembered what he had seen. Her eyes. Wide and alerted like that of a deer. Dark brown eyes shining in the moonlight.

He didnt need to see her whole face to figure out what she was feeling. Her eyes told him everything. Surprise, Fear, caution and finally anger.

As someone who had been told never to show his true emotions easily he was surprised to find someone who expressed her feelings so freely without even noticing.

He turned around quickly to see if she had left. No one was there. Of course there wasn't after all she had been running from him..but then why did she throw the stone at the rebel head? 

"What a complicated woman..."

Fateh was confused. Why did she throw the stone at him of not to kill him. Was she really being chased? 

He sighed. No. This wouldn't do. He needed to know who she was. And it was dark he couldnt let her roam around in the forest all alone. That is if she was alone.

He took off in the direction the girl had run in.

He almost run past her when he noticed a figure sitting on a big stone

He turned to the side and loomed at the girl sitting down.

She looked up at him and her eyes widened she stood up ready to bolt and he grabbed arm and pulled her back l. They went round and round till he finally got her balance back.

She kept struggling against him even though it was to no avail .

"Stop" he said but she didn't listen and continued to struggle against him.

"STOP" He said again sternly.

She stopped and turned her head upwards to glare at him.

The look made a laugh bubble up inside him. Did she really think that was scary? She looked like an angry rabbit.

His lips twitched and her eyes narrowed. He quickly schooled his expression and cleared his throat.

" I will give you one more chance, tell me who you are"

" i already told you who i am. Now can you let go of me please!" She scowled at him jerking her arm in his grasp. 

"So you are not a rebel?" 

"What rebel?! Who am i rebelling against?? Look dude I need you to let go" 


" Alright then you are not a rebel then who are you running from"

The girl sighed as if exhausted then looked up at him again " I will tell you if you let go of my arm"

" I don not think you are in  any position to negotiate right now"

"I guess we will be standing like this for the whole night then" she said smugly, her eyes challenging. 

Fateh narrowed his eyes at her "Fine." He let go of her arm and crossed his own arms waiting for her reply. 

She rubbed her arm while he stood there getting impatient by the second.

She sighed again and looked up at him and started "My name is Mariyam Khan. I was in the village some distance away from here hiding from this group of men who seem hell bent on capturing me. No i dont know why they are after me. I ended up here in the forest while running from them. I threw the stone at you because i thought you were one of them"

Fateh continued to stare at her.

She tapped her foot as if impatient.

" If i believe you-" she started to say something but stopped once i gave her a look.

" even if i believe you is does not change the fact that you have cost me my horse"

" i told you i thought-" she started

"That i was going to harm you but i think we have made it clear i had no intention to do so. So the fact remains that you have cost me my horse'

Suhana pursed her lips having no argument to defend herself.

"Alright i agree to that. I apologize. There, happy now?" She asked

"You think an apology is enough to make up for the fact that i will have to walk across the whole forest?" He asked

"I-I saved your life. I threw the rock at that man!" 

"I was in that situation because of you!!"

Both of them glared at each other until she finally relented.

" Fine. What can i do so you will let me go"

Fateh smirked " For now help me make a fire so that we can spend the night and then tomorrow you will follow me back to my camp so i can figure out if you are telling the truth"

"Spend the night?!" She shreiked

Fateh frowned " Of course do you want to walk in this darkness?"

"Well i guess not...."

"Exactly now lets light a fire."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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