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I ran into the forest panting and out of breath.

But i couldn't stop i could still hear the sounds of the men approaching me.

I realized that i was somehow wearing payal on my feet that were making noise. Shit! I stopped at a cluster of trees. There was ground underneath one of them that had space for me to hide.

I quickly jumped down and entered the hollow cave like thing and used the vines growing on the ground to cover up the mouth of the space so i could not be seen.

I tried to get my breathing in control. Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale.

I kept my mouth covered with my hand not wanting to take any risks.

I heard the men come near the trees and then i saw them clear as day. Some were holding sticks woth fire on them to use as a light source 

'Why not just use a torch?' Not only that they were also wearing weird clothes.

A black kurta payjama, a red cloth tied at the waist and a red pagdi on their head.

Thankfully they couldnt see me.

One of the men suddenly looked towards the cave i was hiding in and started coming towards me.

'Oh god!' Just as he was about to move the vines someone shouted loudly distracting him. 

He looked at the vines once again amd then turned and left. Following the other men.

 I breathed a sigh of relief 'Thank you God'.

I leaned back against the psuedo cave wall and closed my eyes.

Im in deeeeep shit. What the hell is happening? I heard one of the men shout at them to catch me, to catch...Mariyam.

This makes no sense. My name is Suhana Khan not Mariyam

But the look on their clearly said that they recognized me and were coming for me.

I laughed a little this was like one of those stories my grandmother would tell me. She told me she could jump back in time and tell me of all the crazy adventures she had been on but those were just stories she made up to entertain me as a child. Or were they?

Because clearly no one could jump back in time. It clearly went against all the laws of nature and-and science and stuff.

"Everyone has a little magic in them Suhana. Our family a little more than others"

The memory of my nani telling me this came back to me.

If-if what she had said was true t-then i really have travelled back in time!

That would explain why there was not one car here, no light poles, the weird clothes, the swords.

Oh god, what is to be of me now?


Fateh had no thought in his mind except one. Revenge.

He never should have trusted anyone. It was stupid of him to do so but no more.

He got up walking over Mahesh Singh's dead body and retrieved his sword from the trunk. He would have his revenge but first he would deal with the soldiers outside.

He exited his tent sword in hand, anger burning in his eyes like fire. Blood coated his clothes and hands. He was truly a fearsome sight.

'Hyah!' He swung his sword impailing soldier after soldier there was no stopping him.

However the night's activities eventually caught up with him. His limbs screamed in exhaustion. 

His commander in chief Shamsher Khan ran towards him.

Back in time:16th century indiaWhere stories live. Discover now