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Fateh and several of his ministers surrounded a big oak table with several maps on it discussing their next move.

"Sire we have managed to occupy Arampeth as planned but we are still facing rebels who refuse to accept Arampeth as our territory. They are continuously attacking our forces camped there." Minister Asim Khan said

" Minister Asim is correct Shehensahah(Emperor). It has become increasingly harder to deliver food and army supplies there. I believe this will escalate in the future if we do not take action now"  Minister Javid said

Fateh clenched his fists " How dare they defy my orders and refuse to submit?!" He banged his fist on the table " I shall go to Arampeth myself to see to their beheading"

"Shehenshah i do not think that would be wise. The rebels there are deadly. They will stop t nothing to have you if they find out you are coming" Asim Khan protested

"Shehenshah is not scared of anyone. It is they who need to fear the Shehenshah! An example need to be made of those scoundrels " Kabul Ali declared 

Fateh nodded with pride and arrogance 

" I will leave tomorrow with a cavalry" Fateh turned to Kabul and put a hand on his shoulder " Mamu i want you to look after the moving of troops from here to Jalswer. I will meet you there after i have dealt with those scavengers in Amarpeth" 

Kabul Ali smiled at him " Do not worry Shehenshah i will meet you there without any problems"  

Fateh clapped his hands and smiled " It is decided then. I shall leave for Amarpeth at the break of dawn. Prepare the soldiers. My hands are already itching to behead those mongrels"

Shehenshah Fateh left with his troops at the first break of dawn.

They rode hard without stopping until they reached Amarpeth.

Night had fallen and Fateh had just arrived in Amarpeth with his troops. 

" The night is ver dark Shehenshah, we should stop and set up camp. It is dangerous to travel further " 

Fateh nodded 

They decided to  set up camp.  Fateh was reviewing the reports brought to him by the troops set up in Amarpeth about the rebels.

" They seem like very skilled archers sire. They managed to shoot many of our soldiers from a long distance" Commander said

" Archers huh? I would like to fight them with my sword. See if they are as good at fighting face to face with us or only capable of fighting us from a distance like cowards" Fateh said smiling darkly.

The soldiers bowed their heads in agreement.

" well let us rest now, we are all tired " 

Late into the night

Fateh stared up at the moon with a glass of wine in his hand 

" What a beautiful night. It was on a night like this that I had to run away from my palace in Agra, run from my home to take refuge elsewhere because of rebels attacking it" His face went stoic and anger burned in his eyes. He squeezed the glass in his hands so tight it was on the verge of breaking 

" There is no mercy for rebels in my heart. I will destroy you bandits" 

Fateh took a long swing of his drink and disappeared back into his tent.

Later into the Night

A black figure approached the Shehenshah's sleeping figure.

The rebel head Mahesh Singh knew it was a cowardly move to  eliminate the enemy in his sleep but this was the only way to get rid of the King.

He would do what he needed to take back his city from the Mughals!

His soldiers had already mixed a potion in the wine of the other soldiers to make them delirious and had attacked them. The fighting outside would end soon once he ended the Shehenshah's life.

Just as his knife was going to pierce the Shehenshah's stomache Fateh woke up with a start and stopped his hand.

Though surprised Mahesh Singh regained his composure and started fighting against his hand.

Fateh kicked Mahesh Singh in the stomache making the man stumble back.

He got out of bed ready to fight. Mahesh singh charged at him once more and Fateh took the candlestick beside his bed and stopped the knife from reaching him. He grabbed Mahesh Singh's  free hand and twisted it. Making his right hand lose strength.

"You Coward. Entering my tent like thieves in the night. You do not even have the courage to fight me like a real man!!" Fateh shouted

'You took my land first! I do not care about anything but having your head!"

Fateh laughed cruelly " We will see who has whose head!"

Fateh kicked Mahesh Singh's stomache HARD once again and punched him. Mahesh Singh did not hold back either punching Fateh with all his might.

Fateh stumbled back and growled at him, enraged.

Fighting hard none of them giving up. Eventually Fateh fell on his back on the carpeted ground with Mahesh Singh on top of him.

"This is where it ends Fateh Afreed Mohammad!" Mahesh Singh shouted and pushed his hand to stab Fateh in the heart but Fateh stopped the knife just before it stabbed his heart with his bare hands.

A little blood was already trickling from his chest.

"Not yet..." Fateh Grunted and grabbed the little blade inside his sleeve with his free hand and stabbed Mahesh Singh's stomache

Mahesh Singh cried out in pain and fell sideways.

Fateh gasped and then grabbed Mahesh's body still crying in pain and dragged him underneath him.

"This, This is what you get for defying The Shehenshah " Fateh Shouted at Mahesh Singh, who had started bleeding from the mouth

"Sh-Shehenshah? What a j-joke" he laughed cruelly

"You may have our lands b-but you do not even have the loyalty of your own people!' Mahesh said with difficulty and let out a sardonic laugh which turned into a cough .

"What do you mean?!" Fateh asked with a frown on his face

Mahesh Singh laughed again "Y-you do not know d-do you that it was your precious m-mamu jaan that was supporting us this whole time?"

Fateh's face crumbled from anger into doubt and agony 

"NO! You are lying! I will never believe the words of a cowardly rebel like you!!"

"It does not matter whether you believe me or not. I am dead anyway. But i needed to see the l-look on your face as i told you you had been betrayed by the one you value most! I-i bet he was t-the one who encouraged y-you to come h-here right?" 

The previous few days memories rolled inside Fateh's mind as if a play was being shown and he was the foolish main character who had been betrayed. It all made sense now. It had been Kabul Ali who had first given him the idea of coming to Arampeth before he had announced it to his ministers.

Fateh turned his head up to the heavens and roared as realization sunk in. Realization that he had been betrayed, betrayed by the man who was like a father to him, betrayed by his teacher, betrayed by his friend, betrayed by the one man he trusted with his everything.

Then he suddenly fell silent. Mahesh Singh continued to struggle beneath him..

Finally Fateh looked down at him, his hair wet with sweat, his face had tear streaks on them and his eyes had a murderous look in them.

"There is one thing you were right about Mahesh Singh. You are going to die anyway" 

And with that he slit Mahesh Singh's  throat.

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