Chapter 5

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"I got some cash with me for our Bible date with Mr. Joshua" Sarah danced some dollar notes in front of Lily.

"Shh, I don't want anyone hearing, and no, I'm not ashamed of him, I just don't want my parents to stop me from meeting him,"

"Don't worry, I got you. After school, we'll go there"

"Do you need to ask your parents for permission?" Lily asked.

"Nah, if I'm not doing something nasty, they're good with me" Sarah shrugged.

"My mum watches me with binoculars" Lily shook her head "So worried about my whereabouts"

"Can't blame a mum for caring" they laughed then split up to their classes.

The day went a bit slow and after long school hours, the bell rang and both girls met outside the school compound.

"Ready?" Sarah asked.

"More than" they held hands and walked to the same store where Lily purchased all those goods for Joshua.

After a moment, they were done with their little shopping. They bought some food that they'd eat and then walked to the park.

Lily had mixed emotions within her. She had different scenarios playing in her head about how Joshua would react or behave to her when she met him. Her feet were cold.

"Calm, he's not going to eat you," Sarah says to her.

"I hope he still wants us to meet here," Lily wished.

"Just chill and stop worrying" Sarah tried to calm her down.

They reached the bench Lily and Joshua sat at and there was no sign of him around. Lily looked around the park but no sign of Joshua.

The blood rushed up her face, and she felt she couldn't breathe anymore. Her eyes welled up in tears and she bit her lip to cage the sobs.

"Lily, don't cry. He might be around"

"I chased him away" Lily sobbed.

"And I'm the drama queen, someone like wouldn't leave this community because you did something bad to him. Many people have done him bad but he didn't leave, stop crying" Sarah tried to console.

"I don't think you understand, he's my guardian angel and I acted badly towards him"

"Lily, are you okay?" A male's voice said from behind and they both turned to see Joshua standing there with a worried look on his face. "What's going on? Are you okay?" He asked.

Lily sighed in relief and walked up to hug him. "I'm sorry for yesterday Joshua, I never meant to act that way to you, I'm so sorry" she apologized.

Joshua laughed and then hugged her back. He looked at Sarah who shrugged and waved at him.

"I'm not mad at you Lily, I understood what happened. I know many people don't want to be around me because of how I look but it's fine, this is only for some time. I was never mad at you" he told her in all honesty.

She leaned away and smiled while she cleaned her tears away. "I'm glad." She turned to Sarah and brought her closer to her. "This is my best friend Sarah, Sarah my Bible study buddy, Joshua" she introduced.

They both shook hands and after exchanging pleasantries, they sat on the bench.

"Lily told me you're teaching her about faith and I wanted to tag along," Sarah said when they started eating.

"I thank GOD for that, Sarah. It's only GOD that can enlighten our understanding of things"

"Well, what are we doing today?" Sarah asked.

"I have my Bible here" Sarah waves it in the air.

They began their Bible study and shared the words that they came across with each other.

"I never thought I'd say this," Sarah admitted, "but I'm beginning to see the beauty in the Bible. I'm seeing it on a whole new level of understanding. I'm not getting it all but I know I will one day."

"Me too, I've read this passage before but it's giving a new meaning to it" Lily agreed.

"Remember his word is new every day?" Joshua asked and the two ladies nodded in agreement. "The Bible has the power to transform lives drastically when we approach reading the word with an open heart."

"I like this. I'm seeing GOD in a new different era. I knew I was going to enjoy this Bible date... Ow," she glared at Lily who pinched her.

"I've told you, it's not a date" Lily muttered then closed her Bible "Thank you, Joshua, for having us"

"It's my pleasure ladies" he smiled "And thank you for the lovely items you got me" he thanked me.

"That's the least we could do Joshua, you're a man with much experience and wisdom which we seek" Sarah shrugged.

"GOD has all the wisdom you ever want in this life. James 1:5 says 'if any of you lack wisdom, pray to GOD and he will give it to you'. GOD is the owner of wisdom and everything good"

"Thank you for that, I'll bookmark that chapter and verse in response to my academics. Some subjects are just too hard for their good" Sarah pouts.

"Check Psalm 119:99"

Sarah and Lily opened the chapter and Lily read.

"It says 'I understand more than all my teachers because I meditate on your instructions.' wisdom from GOD"

"Yes, the best guide ever"

"Also, I figured that the book of Proverbs can act as an everyday guide in our lives" Lily pointed out.

"So much learned over a short period. I love this" Sarah grinned the pinched Lily who glared at her "Don't ever hide something this great from me again"

"Yeah, whatever."

"It's getting later, you girls need to head back home."

Lily and Sarah looked around and saw some of the people in the park already leaving. They checked the time and it was already almost six in the evening.

"I'm surprised my mum hasn't gone into a mad-calling phase" Lily joked and stood to her feet.

Sarah followed suit and they stretched. "It was nice meeting you again Mr. Joshua," She held her hand out for a handshake.

"Joshua is fine, and likewise to Sarah"

"I'll see you later Joshua" Lily waved to him when she stood to her feet.

"Later," Joshua waved to them and watched the two ladies depart from him. "GOD, I thank you" he praised then went over what they bought for him.

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