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I was sitting in a room decorated with flowers and candles. The room was looking beautiful and romantic. It was my first wedding night. I am married to my cousin named Adnan. We know each other from childhood and I don't know that someday he become my husband. I was lost in my thoughts suddenly I heard the knock on the door. I became nervous and I confusedly look towards the door. But I took the breath of relax as I saw my cousin Amina (Adnan's sister) came in. "Do you need anything?"asked Amina as she came inside the room. "Please give me a glass of water" I said to her as I was feeling nervous and my throat become wet due to nervousness. She give me glass of water and was about to go then I called her from behind. "Amina?". She turned and came towards me.

"What happen?" She asked as she came near me.

"Can you please stay with me tonight?" I
asked in confusion. She sit near me and said, "I know you are very nervous but how can I stay here with you and It's your first wedding night". She told me to relax. She patted my shoulder and was about to go then someone knock at the door.

I became more nervous because my husband was standing inside near the door. As he entered the room, Amina went out of the room. He locked the door and came towards me.

My heart beat was increasing as his foot
steps were forwarding towards me. He sit beside me near the bed and gave me a ring as Mudikhai. I took the ring with trembling hands and open the box. The ring was very beautiful and I really liked it.

Go change your clothes and become
comfortable. He said to me after giving the ring. I was very nervous so I abruptly get off from the bed, took my clothes and ran towards the washroom. After 5 minutes, I came out of the washroom and he went to washroom. After changing he came and sit beside towards the right side of bed.

I lay straight on the bed and took blanket. He also laid on the bed straight. It was pin drop silence in the room and my heart was beating fast. The silence broke when he start talking.

"I know it is very difficult for you to accept me as a husband but you don't need to worry. I will not force you. But before starting our new relation of husband wife. I want to be your friend first". He said turning towards me. After hearing these words I became relax and also turn towards him with a smile.

"Sure. Why not?". I said to him with a smile. After that we talked about our childhood and start laughing by remembering the naughty doings of us. We were talking but I don't know how and when I fall asleep during talking.

Assalamwalekium readers, hope you guys like it. I'm sorry if there are grammatical mistakes. Don't forget to vote and stay tuned for the next episode.

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