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Finally the reception end and we headed to our house. The journey from hall to house was silent. On reaching home, all family members went to their room.

Rukhsaar's P.O.V-

As I reached in our room, I removed the
Jewelry and changed the clothes. I was feeling tired and just want to sleep. When I saw Adnan going to washroom, I sat on the bed and drink a glass of water as I was feeling thirsty. Then I laid on the bed.

Adnan's P.O.V-

As we enter to our room, she removed her jewelry and went to washroom to change. When she came out, I took my clothes and go to washroom.I was feeling tired and just want to sleep so I hurriedly changed my clothes. She was sitting on the bed when I came out of the washroom. I also laid beside her on the bed. To break the silence, I started to talk about the function and we both talked for sometime. As we both were tired so we asleep.

Rukhsaar's P.O.V.-

Time is passing fastly. One week has passed after our marriage and my exams are next month. My wedding ceremony was held before my exams because my brother has to go abroad and he will come after two years. On the other hand, my in-laws also want that marriage ceremony held as early as possible. They assured my parents that they will allow me to give exams after marriage. Therefore, my parents agree on their proposal. I wanted to start my preparation of exams but I could not have time to study. I was checking my books placed in the cupboard then I felt a presence behind me. I turned back and saw Adnan was standing behind me and he was looking sad. I asked him the reason.

Adnan's P.O.V-

I came into our room when I saw Rukhsaar was standing near the cupboard. She was lost in her thoughts and was examining something seriously. I stand behind her and her books caught my attention because of which I felt sad. During the period of marriage, I forget about her studies. I totally forget that her exams are next month and how will she managed to study. When she felt my presence, she turn towards me, ask the reason of my sadness, and closed the
cupboard. I sat on the sofa and she sat beside me.

"Im really sorry Rukhsaar. I totally forget about your exams and I wonder how would you managed to give exams. I think now you should pay attention to your studies and don't worry about the household chores. I will managed it." I said to her.

Assalamualaikum readers,hope you are doing well. Don't forget to vote and stay tuned for the next episode.

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