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Adnan's P.O.V.-

Rukhsaar and me confess our feelings for each other and that night was a blissful night of my life.

I woke up with the movement of Rukhsaar in my arm. I open my eyes and saw the love of my life in my arms. Her hair was disturbing her so I placed hairs behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

Rukhsaar's P.O.V.-

I woke up when I felt something on my face. Adnan kiss me on my forehead and I open my eyes. She was looking at me. I was feeling shy So I hide my face in his chest.

"I love it when you shy like this", said Adnan which make me feel more shy. "I love you" I said and he kiss me. "I love you too" he said.

Rukhsaar's P.O.V.-

Time passes by and the day came when I
was waiting for my result. I was not able to sleep the night before result. Adnan relaxed me and with much difficult I got litle sleep. In the morning, when I wake up I saw Adnan was sitting on the bed and checking his mobile.

When I realized that today is my result I
abruptly get up and sit on the bed. As he saw that I'm awake. He relaxed me. I was about to touch my mobile when he stops me and give me his mobile. I look at him with confusion but he pointed me towards mobile.

When I checked the mobile, my eyes got widen because my result was shown on his mobile and to my surprise I have got A+ grade. "Congratulations" said Adnan.
In excitement I hug him tightly and then
again start to check my result.

Adnan's P.O.V.-

She was very happy to see her result and in excitement she hug me. I have prayed a lot for her result and Allah has heard my all prayers. I was so happy. I didn't want to go to office but she forcefully send me to office.

Rukhsaar's P.O.V.-

All family members congratulate me and I was very happy. We we're having our dinner, when I felt vomit. I rush towards washroom and puke all the things I ate. I was also feeling dizziness. I was about to fall on ground when two arms catch me.

"Rukhsaar? What happen? Are you alright?" Adnan  asked me in worrying tone. "Im.. I'm.." I tried to speak but I felt that all my energy has gone. He picked me in bridal style and take me to the room. Mama and Papa came behind us. Adnan help me to lay on bed.

"I think she need rest. It's late. We should
leave. Adnan take care of her " mama said and they leave the room. Adnan sat beside me on the bed and caressed my cheeks.

"Are u feeling better now?" He asked and
nodded my head in positive. "You should sleep now. We will go for your check up tomorrow and I don't want any arguments"he said and laid beside me.

Assalamualaikum readers.How is this one? Hope you are doing well in your studies. Best of luck for the rest of the year. If you like this one stay tuned for the next episode.

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