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Rukhsaar's P.O.V.-

His words collapse on my heart and tears welled up on my eyes. I don't think that he will allow me to study after exams. When I heard those words, tears welled up in my eyes. "Why are u crying?", He asked. "Nothing... and Thank you so much." I said.

Adnan's P.O.V.-

When I told her about studies she began to cry and said Thank you to me. I have decided that I will try my best to give full attention to her and also help her in the studies. She was very brilliant student. I m 4 years senior than her. I have studied the same subject like her. "From today onwards you will not work and only concentrate on your studies.Ok?" I said to her. "And if you need any help, you can call me anytime" ,I said to her. She became happy and a smile formed on her lips. At that I just want to kiss her but I control myself with much efforts.

Rukhsaar's P.O.V.-

After hearing those words I don't know what happen to me but I just wanted to hug him tightly but I control myself. After that, he went out of the room and I settled my books on book self.

After dinner, we both came back to our
rooms. He sat at right side of the bed and
continued to work on laptop while I took my books and sat at bed on left side. I started to study the books. After about an hour, he went out of the room. I still continued to pay my attention to books but my attention was again and again diverting to him. After about 5 minutes, he came back in the room with a glass of milk. He handed me the glass of milk and ordered me to finish the glass. Actually, I hate millk. In my home, my mother forcefully drank me glass of milk. I knew that he also did not like milk. I took advantage of the fact and try my best to not to drink milk.

"You know that I hate milk. I can't drink this glass of milk. Noo plz Noo", I said. "You have to finish this otherwiseI will not allow you to study", he said by suppressing his smile.

After many arguments, we both reach at the decision. "I will only drink milk if you also drank the milk. So, you will drink half glass and other half glass I will drink". I told the decision. He agreed on this decision and we both finish that glass of milk.

After some time he slept and I was studying. When I finish my studying, I placed books on side table and turned off the lights. I was feeling tired. So I slept early.

Assalamualaikum readers, if you like this one stay tuned for the next episode.

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