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you laid in bed, staring at your ceiling as you thought about what just happened.

first of all, you saw a literal severed arm buried in the ground. second, you swore you heard something behind you in the bushes, but you ran away, scared.

you sighed and put your hands on your face, stressed about everything.

maybe you should just forget about
everything that just happened and
continue school. yeah, that sounds nice.

your ears perked up as you heard the door bell ring. you instantly stood up and walked to the door, opening it to see nobody but a box.

you quirked your eyebrow, trying to
remember if you ordered anything.

you haven't.

you shrugged and brought the package in, closing the door after. you eyed the package, noticing it's weird color. at the bottom, it was slightly pink.

a leakage?

you gulped as you opened the package, unfolding it to see a heart shaped box. as you picked it up, you felt the lightweight and the odor instantly kicked in.

you pinched your nose.

why did it smell so bad?

you were slightly worried.

why did a random package consist of a heart shaped box? and it almost smelled like metal.

you slowly opened it, seeing red in the corner of your eye. you instantly dropped the opened box and gagged from the horrendous sight.

it was an actual heart. a human heart.
you covered your mouth as you felt your throat tingle.

who could've done this?!

your stomach did flips and turns as you ran to the bathroom and threw your head to the toilet. your eyes started to water as you puke into
the water bowl, decorating the toilet with your very own. you felt your throat feel a bit sour and the putrid smell instanty went through your nose, making you wince in disgust.

you quickly flushed the toilet, since you really didn't want to see your own vomit. you wiped your mouth and washed your face with cold water.

you walked to the package and threw it out, wanting to never see it again.
what kind of sick person would send this?

weird things are happening to you and you don't know why. is it because you accidentally found that severed arm? it couldn't be.

you sighed as you went upstairs to your bedroom to calm your mind. you decided to organize the clothes you bought when you went shopping with nami and robin.

bows? check. skirts? check. tops check!

you were glad you didn't forget anything and dig your hand into your pocket for the gift you received from robin.

you felt nothing.

you felt confused and scared as you
you checked the other pocket only to find nothing.

"where did it go?!" you spoke to yourself, checking your back pockets.

don't tell me you dropped it in the forest when you were running away!

you groaned as you slid your hands across your face, stressing out.

how could you lose a hairpin your friend gave you? you just hope that robin won't get too mad.

you really didn't feel like eating after
finding a literal organ so you just drank water to quench your thirst.

after that, you checked your phone to see a notification from an unknown number.

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