Chapter 2

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Our crossed arms were almost touching, and our heavy breathing mixed together perfectly. Mint and a hint of chocolate. His broad shoulders were stiff as a board and his face was a bright red, I looked no different. The tension in the room was as thick as the silence and death glares.

"You promised." I hissed at him, giving him a light push. He stumbled back a bit, caught off guard, but soon regained his posture and walked back to where he originally was. Luke sighed deeply and ran his hand through his already ruined hair.

"I had to okay?" He rolled his eyes at me, already annoyed with me. Its been like this lately. Bickering about small things, bickering that turned to both of us screaming at the top of our lungs. He cares more about his damn job than me, but I don't blame him. I could feel my face grow hot and my hands turned into "tiny baby fists", as he would call them.

"Oh really? You just had to leave London on the first flight back here to LA. You had to leave me, on a very important day, for a song recording?" He didn't answer instead he stared at me with an angry look on his face, shoulders tense. But in his eyes were filled with guilt, but he was too prideful to show it. My anger slowly turned into sadness, my fists unclenched and my face softened.

He waved his hand in my face, motioning me to leave him alone as he walked past me and into the living room. I turned around and stared at him in shock, he was getting himself into more shit than he was already in. Luke let himself fall onto the couch and turned on the TV.

It was always the same thing that we fought over, him not full filling his promises and me being too busy to leave work to go to his shows. But this was different, to me it was. To him, it was probably just another fight that would blow over. This one was too big of an issue to leave unsolved.

Determined i stood in front of the TV which he was blankly looking at, his mind was elsewhere. I grabbed the remote from his hand, turned off the TV and let the remote clink loudly on the glass coffee table. The loud noise made him snap out of his haze and stare straight at me again.

We stayed like this for a while before I took a deep breath and decided to speak, because he sure as Hell wasn't going to. I gathered all the strength and will power that my small body had and spoke:

"Was it worth it?" My voice broke and my eyes left his to look at my bare feet. I could hear him take a deep breath and the rustling of the sofa cushions. Peering upward, through my lashes, I saw he was still sitting, his elbows on his knees and hands cradling his head.

Anger returned as the silence in the room continued to haunt us. The radio of the person who lived right above us could be heard.

"Was it worth it, is what I asked you Luke." My demanding voice creeped into his lost mind, making him flinch.

His blue eyes drifted to the hole on the knee of his jeans. He picked at the threads, the amount of skin showing slowly grew. We stayed like this for minutes, me just watching him pick at his jeans waiting for an answer.

"im sorry" He whispered, if the room wasn't as silent as it is now I wouldn't have heard him. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

"That wasn't the question Lucas."

Something in Luke snapped when the words slipped out of my mouth. He stood up abruptly and walked towards me. Pure terror coursed through me as I tried to back away but the TV was in the way. His shoulders stiffened and his hands dug into the palm of his hands.

"i didn't choose to leave okay? I didn't want to leave London on the biggest day of your career. I was forced. Get that into your pretty little head." He hissed at me, jabbing a long finger into my temple eith every syllable . I pushed his hand away.

"you're not 'forced' to do anything. You have a choice and made the choice of leaving London on, as you said, the most important day of my damn career." Hot, angry tears streamed down my eyes and I desperately tried to wipe them away.

"This isn't any other gallery Hemmings, this was the gallery. The first offical and professional one of my career and where was my boyfriend? Thats right he was on a fucking plane on his way to LA." I stared at him hoping I had made a dent into the hard head that he had gotten from being on the road.

Luke rolled his eyes at me, he didn't get at what I was trying to say.

"So get this into your rockstar head that what you did was fucked up. This damage can not be erased, no amount of money that you will earn from that album will solve anything." I hissed.

Luke backed away from me in horror and started pacing, his fingers pulling at his lip ring. He stopped and looked at me. His eyes red and filled with tears, with one blink they flowed down his face without mercy.

"You have to understand it was my job. You know how much I-"

"I always understand. I always have to understand, for once in your life Luke understand me. Understand that what you did was childish." My voice was raising again, anger overflowing as the argument dragged on.

"Im leaving." Lukes voice cracked as he walked towards the door, grabbing his black converse and keys from the bowl by the door.

I laughed hysterically, the exhaustion of fighting taking over me. I bent over laughing, grabbing onto the tv for support. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and gazed at Luke who had a look of both shock and horror. His keys had fallen from his hand and hit the floor along with his jaw.

I smiled sweetly at him.

"Go ahead luke. Leave." Luke slowly made his way over to me, with his shoes in hand.

"Ivory are you o-" I walked past him and opened the door of the apartment wide open for him. He grabbed the keys from the floor and walked into the hallways where he stood staring at me in awe. I continued to smile at him my hand gripped the door knob.

"Leave Luke and dig yourself into a deeper hole." I slammed the door in his face before he could make any attempt to protest. Grinning in triumph I sealed the door shut.

"I'll call Calum and tell him you're staying over." I yelled at him over his loud protests and pleas to let him back in.

Currently editing this so hard

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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