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                                                                                ~★.✩* ✮*✩.★~

"Just ignore him..." Felix mumbled to himself as he quickly walked past the other, and slipped into another aisle. "Now let's see" the boy said looking up at the sign above him, "What would it even be under?" he asked to himself.  He wasn't able to find anything of the sort he was looking for so he went into another aisle, and the next one, and the one after that but found nothing. "Shit do I really have to.. UGH!" he screamed to himself as he did a shameful walk toward the front counter, where everybody could see him. 

'Is that him?' Hyunjin thought in his head as he went up to the checkout line with a heart shaped box of chocolates and red roses. "Probably not" the blond whispered to himself as he moved up to the checkout desk.

"Excuse me do you know where the uhm.. Medical supplies are for your butt hole.." Felix asked under his breath, "I'm sorry where the what is, I didn't quite hear you" said the cashier. "The medicine for you butt hole is" the boy said a little louder, just enough for the man to hear him clearly. "Ahh yes follow me" the cashier said coming out from behind the counter, as Felix was about to follow behind he slipped and fell onto the concrete floor. 

Hyunjin saw the person he was looking at fall as he paid for his items, "Have a great day" "Thanks" said the blond as he walked over to the man who was now being helped up by one of the workers. "Are you alright sir?" Hyunjin asked being concerned, "Yeah i'm fine..." said Felix getting up and making eye contact with the blond.

"Uh.. Cya!" the blond said before he ran off into another aisle, "Sir, sir!" the worker called after Felix following him. "You have got to be kidding me, he's ignoring me now?" Hyunjin questioned to himself as he walked out the pharmacy and into his car. "How do I even apologize to him" he asked, starting up his car and heading back to his house that's all he thought about.

Felix awkwardly said 'Thank you' to the cashier, walking out of the store still embarrassed about his clumsiness before. "Now how to apply it" he said out loud as he looked around the box for directions on how to use his medicine, with his door lock of course.

"I-I think I did it right, hopefully" Felix said as he pulled up his underwear feeling uncomfortable from the medication he put on his butt hole. He went to lay on his bed looking up at the bare ceiling, "Fuckk, I'm bored" said the boy pulling out his phone. He got a notification on instagram that Hyunjin posted something and it was a picture of himself in his bathroom, with a foggy mirror, and his shirt off with the caption "I wish I knew how". 'Was he talking about he' Felix thought to himself as he continued to look at the picture, slowly sliding back down his underwear to grab his hard dick.

"There I think that's good" Hyunjin said to himself as he stepped down from the chair he was standing on. He looked at all of his red and pink decorations he had laid out on the table and hung out on the wall. "Now it's time to complete phase one" with that he ran out the door, in a black shirt that wasn't fully buttoned, a pair of white slick leather pants, and a pearl necklace, and jumped into his car.

Felix was now masturbating a literal photo of Hyunjin on his phone, "F-fuck hyun.." he moaned out as his cum splirted out onto his hand and pants. He got up and wiped it up with a paper towel, and cleaned off his hands with soap and water, "Maybe that wasn't such a good idea but.. He wa-" the boy got cut off by somebody screaming.

He went to go and look off his balcony just to find the one and only Hwang Hyunjin himself holding up a sign above his head that read: "Hey pretty boy, aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?". Felix saw the blonde was smirking and it made him laugh, but then he realised he's supposed to be mad at Hyunjin so he flipped him off and went back inside. "WAIT! PLEASE JUST LET ME TAKE YOU TO MY PLACE" the blonde yelled to the boy, he sighed "Fine... let me get dressed".

So Felix got dressed in some ripped baggy jean shorts, with a belt and no shirt, just an un-zipped hoodie, and of course jewlery. The boy ran outside and saw Hyunjin laying against his car, "Let's go to the beach first yeah?" the blonde asked looking to Felix. "I guess" said the boy crossing his arms, they started to walk to the stairs that lead down to the sand that was until Hyunjin grabbed Felix's wrist and turned the boy toward him.

"I-I I wanted to say.... I'm sorry, I was so self focused on myself, how I wanted to feel, being in my own world. It was wrong of me, I didn't even ask you how you were or how you felt, if it was alright for me to move or not. I regret everything I did to lead up to you.. know, I just want us to at least stay friends, please." the blonde said starring into Felix's eyes, which were tearing up.

"WAHHHHH, NO IM SORRY I NEVER MEANT TO MAKE YOU OVER THINK O-OR ANY OF THIS..." the boy said screaming as he had tears stream down his face. Hyunjin grabbed Felix and held him close, carefully, a meaningful hug.

The only thing that was being heard was their heavy breathing, it was needed for them to stay like this for a few minutes. "How about we head down now?" the blond asked as he back away from the hug and picked up the boy baby style. It was surprising to Felix that this was actually happening to him right now, how he went from ignoring Hyunjin to now being held by him and running around in the sand.

They sat down and looked out upon the waves, listening, feeling, seeing, all of it how it was actually happening in front of the two, and they were experiencing it together. "Hyun" Felix said looking up to the blond with a sincerely happy face, "Yeah, what's up" Hyunjin answered back smiling.

"I think I love you" said the boy curling up against the blond, "I think that.. I do too" Hyunjin said kissing Felix's forehead.

                                                                                ~★.✩* ✮*✩.★~

Word count: 1106

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