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- | The Magician | -

- | The Magician | -

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- Second Pov -

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- Second Pov -

After Caine dissapeared and left all of you to finish the adventure, you learnt everyone's names. The doll's name was Ragatha, the rabbit's was Jax, the chess piece was Kinger, and the ribbon girl was Gangle.

"Alright so.. what do we do now?" You asked curiously with one of your floating hands on your hip.

"I'd say we split .. Me and you, three eyes, go look for the toys in the other rooms while doll, cry baby and Hoo-ha stay and search around here." Jax shrugged and then walked over to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he started to walk towards the hallways with you.

"Hey! Why should we split? We have enough time anyways, we can as well all get to know [Y/n] here!" Ragatha suggested as she stopped Jax in his tracks, linking her arm with yours.

'Gee, they are for sure touchy as [ bloop ]..' you thought while grinning on the outside... but you couldn't deny that you did enjoy it a little bit.

Wait.. did your thoughts get censored as well? God [ censored ] it.

"Then.. I'd say we search around this room first? I think I saw this teddy bear hide and go... that way." You said and then pointed to the direction the teddy bear ran away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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