honey, relax

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(travis's pov)

I wake up to Taylor in my arms, her head resting just under my chin. She wakes up shortly after with, may I say, the most adorable yawn I've ever heard. She lifts her head and turns her body, so her chest is now on mine.

“Morning” she says smiling up at me

“Mornin' baby” I watch the colour rush to her cheeks.

I lower my head and plant a kiss on her lips before asking if she wanted something to eat.

“Yeah, I'll go make something”

“No I'll make it, what about pancakes?”

“Are you sure, I mean it's my house i don't want to be rude”

I laugh “Honey, relax and let me make you some breakfast will you”

“Ok” Her eyes are practically sparkling.

“Good, coffee?”

“If it wouldn't be to much trouble, Mr kelce” She seems to love calling me that.

“Dont think you'd ever be much trouble baby” I say back, getting out of bed and putting on my boxers and jeans from last night. I feel her eyes on me, watching me leave the room.

“Trav?” She calls from the other room.
“Would you mind if i showered while you where cooking”

“Course not darling” Shortly after i hear the bathroom door close.

I look through her cupboard for the ingredients i need and find them. 15 minutes go by and i hear the door open again. The pancakes are done, so it was perfectly timed. She walks in, nothing but her towel on and wet hair which makes her look extremely attractive.

She's humming a song, with her back turned, setting the table. I walk up behind her, her food in one hand while the other pulls her waist to me.

“Hello” She says, stroking my hair as i plant a kiss on her neck. She turns around and i hand her the plate.

“Thankyou” she smiles.

We sit and eat talking about when we can next get together.

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