Chapter 17 - Drunk fights.

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A/N: Ah, finally finished it up. Yes, I have had to draw heavy inspiration in this chapter from different audio snippets, that many will probably recognise, but it will fit to the end of the story, which we are actually nearing, so~ Its been a great journey thus far, and it will be a little wonky from here on out. Have fun reading!

It was extremely late that night, most of the students had gone to bed, all of the teachers having left almost 3 hours ago. A few from 4th year was there, mostly Gryffindor and Slytherin, some 5th and 6th years and almost all of the 7th years still remained. Sirius and Remus had told Minerva that they would stay up and make sure the kids were okay, since they weren't really teachers, they didn't have to, but all the other teachers were up in their age and needed rest, and Alastor was no where to be found, or well, he said he had other matters to attend, so they were permitted and were told that students had to leave for bed at the latest, 3AM.

It was now 1AM.

"Harry, I thought you said you weren't gonna have too much of that." Remus laughed, watching his godson pour another glass. "People in their early 20's still refer to people older than them as adults, when do you think that they stop and realise that they are adults?" Ron asked, his head hanging off of the bench as he made faces. His date left hours earlier, and he couldn't care less. "I'm not an adult, I'm a child with a drinking permit." Sirius said and held up his glass in a cheer. "What's that in your sippy cup." Hermione asked, directing it to Harry. "Vodka." He answered with a smirk and raised his glass, both of them snickering to themselves.

"You think they're drunk..?" Ron asked, leaning towards Sirius as he did. The group of students and the two men, sitting on the benches, watching Harry and Barry dancing, all snickered. "Drunk? They're bloody wasted." Fred laughed and shook his head.

Harry and Barry were laughing hysterically and tumbling over one another, while dancing. They had been very intimate and had kissed a lot. Harry had lost the jacket a while back, his sleeves rolled up, showing the bandages. "Mmmm... I wanna skate..." Harry said and nodded determinedly. Barry snickered and while stumbling, he pulled Harry close. "Better not drown..." Him and Harry shared a serious look. "...Again..." They said at the same time and then burst out laughing, collapsing onto the floor.

Luna shook her head and walked over to them, helping them both back onto their feet. "Ahh, thanks Pandora..." Barry smiled, patting Luna on the shoulder. "Luna, Barry. Pandora is my mother." Barry's eyes widened and he looked over to Harry. "Pans had a kid..? With who!?" Harry narrowed his eyes, as if really thinking about it. "Xeno..." He nodded slowly, a very certain look on his face. "Good man... Good man..."

Harry was about to pick up his glass once more, when Sirius very quickly snatched it out of his hand. "Nope. No more for you." Harry huffed and pouted. "So mean, Siri..." He said and leaned into the man's chest, Sirius raising his brows, a small smile spreading across his face. "Yes yes, Harry. Oh you poor thing, you must be exhausted." He said and sighed, shaking his head. "No. M'not." Harry shook his head, nuzzling into Sirius' chest.

Barry was slowly lowering himself onto the ground. "I'mma sleep here..." He said, nodding slowly. Remus laughed and shook his head. "Oh no you don't, buddy." He said, picking the boy back up and helping him over to the benches. "This s'good too..." Barry nodded laying down. "Thanks Moony..." He said and began to slowly close his eyes. "You're welco-" Remus furrowed his brows. How did Barry know about his secret name? Surely Harry would not have told someone such a big secret.

There was a sound of someone fighting outside, it was nearing 3AM, and everyone were starting to pack up their things, when the sound of glass shattering was heard. "Probably just someone who was drunk." A 7th year laughed, Sirius did a quick head count, when the shouting began. "Barry and Harry are missing." Remus' eyes widened and everyone hurried outside, just to see Barry pushing Harry back against the wall of Hogwarts. "BA-" "Shh!" Fred interrupted Sirius, shaking his head. "Look..."

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