Chapter 21 - His face in the dark night.

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A/N: AHHHH! I'm sorry! This is so late! *Clears throat* Anyways! Have fun reading, hope you enjoy this chapter! Tootles!

"Please wake up soon, Harry..." Luna whispered, sitting next to the boy as he laid on the bed, in the med-wing of Hogwarts. Luna sighed and shook her head, she couldn't lose him... She didn't want to, he promised to never leave... And yes, they may not have talked lately, but he was still there, to look at and eat with them, but now...

Harry had laid in the med-wing for two weeks now, and his condition hadn't changed. Poppy had put a tube down his throat, and magic was the only thing, that was making sure he stayed alive. His lips were blue, his body sill cold, despite all of the heating charms and the different blankets that they had piled on top of him. Many wondered if he had died, and they were just keeping a body alive, instead of his soul.

But Luna refused to believe that was what was happening, she would not have it! She had looked at the cards, talked with professor Trelawny and even Firenze in the woods. But they all told her the same thing. Harry was meant to die, or he already was.

"I miss our laughs... And our trips, to visit mum... I really wish you were here with me..."

Luna stood, and leaned over his cold form, pushing back his curls, she placed a loving kiss on his forehead. "I'll see you later..." And then she left, hiccuping as she did. Her and the others had told Sirius and Remus about what was really going on, and how Harry had been protecting them all. Sirius had been unable to say anything for a few days after, his hands shaking and eyes wide. When he finally did come around, he had shakingly said something about being like his father, and that Remus was right, that he was just like his parents, and possibly, he had been an abusive man, towards his own godson, and brother.

Remus had had to take Sirius home for a while after, but now they were back at Hogwarts, to look after Harry. Reading him stories, massaging his limbs to keep the blood flow going, and bringing him a fresh set of clothes for each day, in case he was to wake up.

Kreacher was pissed, and refused to leave the end of his Masters bed, staring at Harry with crossed arms and brows scrunched together. Clearly, he was just waiting for the boy to wake up, and he had yet to do so. It was infuriating to the small elf.


The halls felt empty as Hermione walked down them. Books tightly grasped in her arms, she sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. 'I wish they would lay off a bit on all these homework assignments...' She thought to herself, and then raised her head, halting as her eyes widened. "Harry?" She hissed in a whisper. What the hell was the boy doing out of bed at this time?! She had a permission slip from Minerva, but this- Then she blinked and he was gone...

'I must be seeing things... He's still in a coma... Right..?' She shook her head and cast a glance around the dark hallways, barely lit by the dimmed torches on the walls. 'I really should sleep some more...' Hermione chuckled and then shook her head. Of course Harry wouldn't be out of bed at this time, what was she thinking?

Walking around the corner, she halted and her eyes widened. Okay, no way she was seeing things now. Harry stood right there, in the moonlight from the window! Blinking, she shook her head. He was still there, she couldn't see his eyes or glasses, but everything else, it was him! The curls, the height, the stature, the clothes, everything was Harry!

"Harry. What the hell are you doing out of bed?" Huffing, she marched over there, she was gonna give this boy a piece of her prefect mind. Even if that meant taking points from his house. But right when she stepped where Harry had been standing only seconds prior, she stopped. She was standing where Harry had been standing... Meaning... He wasn't any longer

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