Hello Neighbor

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You didn't think neither hide nor hair of the wolf, just decided not to go wandering the woods again, but you still couldn't manage to sleep that night.

It was just too cold. And you tried everything. You jacked the thermostat up as high as it would go, layered your clothing until you were wearing everything you brought with you at once, buried yourself under every musty blanket and sheet you could find... And still you were freezing, unable to get comfortable.

In the wee hours of the night, you found yourself staring out the window from your borrowed bed, looking at the moon. It was round and full, like a sugar-crusted cookie. You wanted so badly to take a bite, make it a crescent. Maybe that was the sleep deprivation at play, though.

Once the first sickly white beam of winter sunlight came creeping through the glass pane, you gave up the ghost and rolled out of your chilly bed with a groan. Maybe it was a sign of you getting old, but your joints hurt due to the cold.

It was the most unbearable morning of your life, but you were determined to put your nose to the grindstone and get some shit done today. Maybe then, by the time night fell once more, you would be so exhausted that you would just pass the fuck out.

First, breakfast.

There was no fresh food --it had been too late to stop by a grocery store at the hour you finally rode into town-- so you perused the jarred and canned soups and stews left over from your dearly departed grandmother. Nothing looked particularly appetizing, so you were picking from the best of a bad bunch.

It couldn't be that bad, you reasoned as you dumped one of the cans into a clean bowl and prepared to throw it in the microwave. It wasn't that bad. It was worse.

The sight was off-putting, what with the coagulated bits of soup still sticking to the rim of the can. In fact, it reminded you of congealed blood. But the smell-- No, the odor. That smothered any remaining hunger you felt in its crib.

You poured the ungodly concoction down the drain and then washed the bowl repeatedly, like you were trying to scrub the sin from its soul.

Okay. So, first things first, groceries.

So you walked outside, right into a new conundrum. Your car was absolutely buried in snow. And, even if you did manage to dig it out, the road leading from Grandmother's house to town would need to be dug out as well.

What the fuck were you supposed to do? Wait until it melted? You'd starve to death by then!

Just when you were beginning to feel like all hope was lost, along came a godsend. You spotted a snow plow in the distance, hurtling down the driveway. Good for you. The closer they got, the less distance you would have to shovel.

And it turned out they came right up to the door. They didn't just turn around right afterwards either.

You watched, shivering with your arms crossed, as the driver put the truck in park, opened the driver's side door, and effortlessly jumped down.

Oh... It was a woman. You didn't expect that, for some reason.

A mountain of a woman at that, with wavy, shoulder-length, ash blond hair that appeared almost blue in the pale winter sunlight and gold --not brown or amber but gold-- eyes you could see from here.

"Hello, neighbor!" She called with a wave before briskly walking toward you. You'd call it a jog, but the snow on the ground was too deep to allow that. Hopefully she didn't slip and break an ankle. The nearest hospital wasn't for miles and miles.

It was only when she came closer that you could truly appreciate the size of her. She wasn't just tall, she was broad, with wide shoulders and child-bearing hips. Her skin-tight leggings showed off dense musculature. Somebody didn't skip leg day. She could probably split your head in two like a watermelon with just her thighs.

You felt more blood pool in your cheeks. This train of thought was incredibly inappropriate. And unhelpful.

You uncrossed your arms to seem more friendly. But, when you found that little bit of warmth that left you as soon as you were no longer huddled in on yourself, you quickly crossed them again.

"Um, hello!" You answered. "Thanks for the assist!" I guess. "I was just wondering how I was going to get out. Uh, do you-- do you always plow this stretch?" It seemed incredibly unlikely. What would she even be doing all the way out here?

She let out a full-bellied laugh. "No, no, of course not! But I heard someone moved into Crazy Lady L/N's house and just had to come see who it was. I'm Lanius. What's your name?"

You winced. Well, this was awkward. You debated lying, but you were terrible at maintaining untruths. You'd slip up eventually and she'd find out anyway, then wonder why you lied about something as basic as your damn name. "Y/N L/N."

Her large frame suddenly went very still. "Oh... So you're...?"

"'Crazy Lady' L/N's granddaughter," you supplied.

Lanius looked away guiltily, let go of your hand to scratch the back of her head. "Shit, I'm sorry..."

You shrugged. "Don't be. It's-- It's fine. I mean-- I didn't know her, but I heard she was very... Eccentric."

"Yeah... 'Eccentric.'" She let out a long sigh, which billowed out of her mouth like a gust of steam out of a kettle's spout. "I feel just awful. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?"

She'd already done you a service by clearing the road. But, as much as you wanted to wrap up this conversation, you could use some basic information about Pine Grove.

"Could you give me directions to the nearest grocery store?"

Lanius' eyes lit up, like polished gold coins that just happened to catch the light. "I can do you one better. Why don't I take you there in my truck?"

You gave her an uneasy smile. You weren't really prepared to socialize this early in the morning, especially after you slept like crap the night before. "Uh, no. I mean-- thanks! But no thanks. I appreciate the offer, but I couldn't possibly. I don't want to be a bother."

"You're no bother at all," she argued, already walking back over to her truck. She didn't immediately climb into the driver's seat, though. No, instead, she opened the passenger side door. "Hop right in!"


Mr Wolf, Mr Wolf, what time is it?

Two o'clock...


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