Welcoming Presence

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The town of Pine Grove was as quaint as it was small. And, oh boy, was it small! It was, as the name suggested, mostly forest. There weren't many places to shop for nonessentials. And, of the stores selling food, there wasn't much choice in stock. You already knew you were going to be seriously hurting for snacks during your stay.

You told Lanius she could wait in the truck, that you'd just grab what you needed and be out in a jiffy, but she insisted on coming in with you.

Despite her pushiness, she acted the part of the perfect gentleman, manning the cart and grabbing things from the top shelves for you. You didn't hate it. After all, you'd never gone shopping with someone outside of your family before. It was very... Domestic. You felt a little awkward but not completely uncomfortable.

Once all your groceries were loaded into her truck and the cart was put away, you climbed into the passenger seat again. You wanted to wrap up this visit before things got awkward, but you had to know... "Is there somewhere I can buy winter clothes around here?" Then, realizing how presumptuous that sounded, you added, "I'm not gonna make you do any more shopping with me. I just need to know for later."

"You didn't pack any winter clothes?" She asked incredulously as she turned the key in the ignition to start warming up the car.

You gave her a smile that was really more of a grimace before gesturing to your outfit, the mismatched combination of all your clothes, which you'd already slept in. "I packed everything I had. It's just not enough."

"M'hm..." Lanius gave you a long onceover, starting at the toes of your boots and drawing all the way up to the pom-pom atop your hat. You felt thoroughly judged. "It's more likely your clothes just aren't a high enough quality. Outdoor wear is something you've got to invest in."

"I don't exactly have money to spare. What's a broke college student to do?"

She chuckled, rubbed her chin. "Y'know, I have a lot of old clothes back at my house... All used but well cared for. Something is bound to fit!"

This was when your anxiety really kicked in. "No. No no no," you squawked. "I couldn't possibly--!"

She beamed at you. You didn't notice how large her canines were until now. Their size and sharp points made her look like a vampire. "I insist! How could I leave my new neighbor out in the cold?"

"Temporary neighbor. I'm just here to clean out my grandmother's house. Then it's back to the big city for me."

Another chuckle. Then... Something muttered under her breath, that you couldn't quite manage to make out.

"What?" You snapped, feeling distinctly like you were being made fun of.

"Nothing! Nothing, hun," she chirped before putting the truck in gear.

It was by no means a short drive from the center of town to Lanius' house. You remember her telling you on the way over that her family owned a lot of the surrounding area, turned it into a massive nature preserve. You... Admittedly, didn't remember much else after that, however.

Between your lack of sleep, the warm car interior, your hostess' comforting voice and scent... You dozed off, thinking about how good she smelled.

What perfume did she wear? You probably couldn't afford it, but you still wanted to know. It was woodsy and --dare you say-- a little fruity, like cedar and quince. It reminded you of the smell of a new paperback.

An indeterminate amount of time later, you were startled awake by someone gently shaking your shoulder. Lanius, of course. Who else would it be?

"Does someone need to be princess-carried into the house?" She asked. Her smile was teasing, but her tone was serious.

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