New Home

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That, it turned out, was not the end of that. You could leave Pine Grove, leave Lanius... But she wasn't going to make it easy on you.

Not only that... It felt like the universe itself was trying to twist your arm. Overnight, your laptop --a relic from when your father went to grad school-- stopped working. No Best Buy in Pine Grove, so you'd have to wait until you were back on campus to get the ancient thing fixed.

At least you had your phone. That was, until you didn't. A couple days after your computer died, you lost your phone. It sounded silly, but, in Lanius' winter manor, it was an easy feat. You didn't exactly have any friends or family to call or text, but you planned on checking your school email on it and now you couldn't.

You had an endless amount of spare time and no electronics to fill it with. Luckily --or unluckily-- for you, Lanius found things for you to do. Things for you to do with her, of course.

"I know what you're doing," you told her one day. The two of you were alone in the living room, all but cuddled up on the couch.

She made a half a dozen excuses to get you in that position. The room was cold, and most of the couch blankets were in the wash, so you had to share a knitted green monstrosity that wasn't designed to fit two people under it.

It ended with you all but sitting in her lap as the two of you watched some holiday baking show.

She didn't even try to deny it. "You'd have to be dumb and blind not to," she laughed.

You wished her friends and family would be a little less obvious in their support of your courtship, too. Whoever you turned to, whatever you discussed, the conversation always ended with them singing the praises of their matriarch and their home.

One day, you were talking to this pretty brunette number named Selena. She was a friend, not blood-related to the Lanius family in any way. The way that she talked about Lanius the woman made it obvious how absolutely head-over-heels in love she was with her.

Jealousy was an ugly trait, but you had to ask, "If you love her so much, why aren't you with her?" Even if you could argue the neutrality of the question, you couldn't argue your tone. You all but spat at her.

Selena looked shocked for a moment. Then, answered, "She doesn't want me. She wants you." She didn't sound too pleased about it either.

Maybe your mother was right, and you truly were a hateful little creature. But the admission lit a fire in your belly and made your chest ache.


You woke up bright and early on your last morning in Pine Grove, in Lanius House, determined to get to the mechanics as soon as the shop opened, leave before you fell in love.

But, much like a bear hibernating for the winter, Lanius was difficult to rouse. In her defense, it was still dark outside. In your defense, you had barely slept the night before, waking every hour or so to check the clock. At seven, you decided enough was enough and decided to wake her up.

"Lanius, wake up," you whispered as you sat up in bed. Your voice was loud enough for her to hear, but hushed enough not to be heard outside the master bedroom. You had your hand on her shoulder and were shaking her rigorously.

She moaned and groaned in response but didn't fully regain consciousness. Still, she murmured in her sleep, "I'm awake, I'm awake..."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am..."

"No, you're not!"

"Yes, I am."

This back-and-forth continued until she was finally awake enough to say, "Kiss me."

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