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He was perfect. With his beautiful blonde hair, pushed up into a quiff. His beautiful blue eyes, that made you melt. Every one of his features were perfect.

My best friend is perfect.

I was sitting at my normal lunch table with a few of my other friends, when Luke walked in.

I was sitting next to one of my guy friends, he's gay, and he nudged me in the rib with his elbow.

"LOOK! Acacia's future husband is here" he pointed to Luke and the rest of the table wriggled their eyebrows. Idiots.

I waved to Luke nervously to make it seem like we were just waving at him to come over.

It worked.

"CAY!" he pulled me into a hug as I stood up.

"I didn't see you in history" he pouted and sat beside me on the long, red plank of varnished wood.

"Yeah. I uhh- didn't go" I nodded awkwardly.

"Aww. Why not?" he brought a hand to my hair, about to ruffle it when I slapped it away.

"Don't mess up my hair, you stupid asshole" I warned.

"Fine. So, why didn't you come to history with me?" he picked up a few of my fries and shoved it in his mouth.

Because when we're in there you sit near one of the flirtiest girls in school and you're a fucking god with amazing hair and eyes and I bet you two will end up fucking each other. Oh and I also have a major crush on you and I get really jealous and worried that she will take you away from our group but mostly us- well our friendship. So that's why I didn't come to history.

Stupid subconscious. I push every word to the back of my mind. It may the truth but it's not like anybody would actually say that aloud.

"I felt sick. Its that uhh time of month" I looked away. It's half technically half true.

"NO! Satan you little fucker! You better stop torturing my best friend by killing all the little people that have a village in her stomach" he cursed at nobody, what so ever.

"A little village in my stomach?" I shot him a look that told him he was fucked up in the head.

"Yeah. Fast metabolisms are actually little people in your stomach that eat all the food and when you're on your period it means Satan his killed them all and you're really just getting rid of their blood" he grabbed a few more fries.

"Who told you that?"


I looked over at Ashton who shrugged.

"Now you've fucked him up even more" I reached over the table and slapped his forearm.

"You have a nice ass" I gasped and sat back down.

"What?" I looked over at Luke.

"You have a nice ass" he repeated.

"Luke..." I began.

"No really. Don't like feel all weird or anything but you've always said I have nice muscles. Your ass is a muscle which means you have a nice ass and muscles"

"Luke, you know I'm your best friend, right?"

"Acacia, you know you have a nice ass, right?"

I chuckled. I suddenty felt like I was being hit in the stomach with Ashtons dick, when he is hard.

"Whats wrong?" Luke shot towards me as I clutched onto my stomach.

"Period pains" I whimpered.

"Do you want to have the rest of the school day off? We can go to my place and watch movies" see, perfect.

"Yes please" I nodded.

"Okay. We'll see you fucktards later" he waved and we began walking out to his car.

He unlocked the car and we sat on the comfortable seats. He pushed the key into the ignition and we set off.


hi. i'm so happy to be writing again. i will probably update tomorrow and later today because i don't have to go to school for next two days. SKIPPING SCHOOL MATE. yh i said mate. i always do. its not stereotypical and i'm not an american who tries to act australian. i actually am australian. k

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