Chapter one - Meeting °•~Corillina's POV~•°

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Chapter one

             ∆•Corillina's POV•∆
I was just sitting in my wolf form relaxing next to a lake. It was nice to have a break sometimes. I was so used to getting attacked and being on the run from other rouges. Since I was stopping by a lake, I decided to wash off my fur by dipping into the water I move around in the water a bit before climbing back out of the water and shaking off. My actual fur can be seen for the first time in a long time. My fur is a very soft snow white color, has bluish silver looking spots, black spots, and a reddish color spots all over, my ear has a chunk missing out of it, my tail is crooked. I have a few chunks missing from my body but I'm all healed up right now.

I shake off my fur before beginning to walk through the forest a bit more. I haven't shifted from my wolf form in days. Mostly because I don't want to walk around naked. I pick up a odd scent from a tree. Like, smokey cherry wood. I sniff the tree for a good few minutes until I hear the sound of leafs crunching and a twig snapping and my head snaps in that direction.

I see a bush move just slightly and I take off in a dead bolt run in the other direction. I don't know what it was but I'm not taking any chances. I never do take chances. I run until I'm panting and my legs won't run anymore. I look around for a place to rest and I find a tree that has a little hole in the trunk so I climb into it and nuzzle up into it. I bring in some leafs with me to hide me as much as I can. I close my eyes and catch my breath before I slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up feeling very comfortable, I keep my eyes closed but I roll onto my back. A scent fills my nose, that same smokey cherry wood scent. My nose twitches in confusion and then I feel the leafs move and my eyes shoot open meeting bright blue eyes. I freeze immediately.

Chapter one

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