Chapter Four - I refuse-wait what-? °•~Corillia's POV~•°

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           ∆•Corillia's POV•∆
Three hours, he stayed like that and slept for three fucking hours! I was cramping at this point. When he finally moved it was because someone knocked on his door to remind him off some meeting. He gave me one of his tshirts to wear, which hung off my shoulder and went down past mid thigh. And then he had the nerve to tell me not to leave the room! And I wouldn't of obeyed if he hadn't locked the door and then the window is glued shut! What a fucking asshole! I can't stand him! He leaves me in this room with nothing to do, what does he expect me to do? Sleep? Pfft as if. Just because omegas are considered to be sleepy and childish, does not mean I'm going to just sleep until he gets back

Okay so I decided to have a small nap, but just a small one!  It's not like it lasted the whole six hours he was gone! Okay but I can't deny his bed is so comfy. I wake up to him chuckling as he shuts the door. I yawn and rub my eye while glaring at him. How dare he find this amusing! He is such a fucking asshole.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks with a smile while taking off his tie. I just glare at him and huff before saying "Maybe." In a mumble. He smiles, "You can say yes, I know my bed is comfy." I just scoff and roll my eyes as he walks over. He sits down next to me as if he has the nerve to try and cuddle me. I scoot away from him but he yanks me right back, "Why do you always move away from me?" He says with a chuckle. I just make a huff sound as I try to move away from him. He doesn't let me of course. And after a few minutes I give up just laying there panting a little bit. He chuckles and holds me a little bit tighter, "Such a sweet girl." He whispers into my ear making me huff and look away, my cheeks blushing red. Out of nowhere he just picks me up and starts to carry me towards a door in the corner of his room.

What the fuck does he think he's doing?! I start to squirm and try to move out of his arms but he only moves to me to over his shoulder so I can't squirm as much and even though I keep squirming and trying to move. He reaches the door and plants a smack on my ass making me freeze and blush. He then opens the door and walks in the door and closes it. It's a bathroom. He sits me down on the bathroom counter next to the sink. I'm now quiet. "You need a bath, you have knotted hair and dirt under your fingernails. Your going to have a bath, and then your going to start listening to me. Because even though your cute, it doesn't mean you can deny and refuse everything." He whispers to me, his face inches from mine. His hands on either side of me, his body between my legs. He thinks he can just demand something and I'll listen?! What a fucking idiot! I lean back and cross my arms staying completely quiet. The eye contact between us doesn't break. "Understand?" He whispers, a bit louder this time. I scoff and roll my eyes before just looking away from him, my arms still crossed. "I asked a question, do you understand?" He says in a more demanding and dominant tone. God the way his eyes narrow and the sound of his voice is enough to make a heat form between my legs so easily. When I don't answer or look at him his eyes darken and he grabs my thighs roughly with a grip harsh enough to leave marks, and it will. He yanks my forward by my thighs, our bodies crashing together roughly and I let out a small gasp, his nose is right up against mine. His eyes staring deeply into my eyes. "You are going to take a fucking bathe, your going to brush your hair, and your going to be a good fucking girl and start listening to me. Your my mate, and you will act as such even if I have to bend you over and teach you a lesson somewhere, and trust me I don't care where it might be." He growls harshly before letting go of my thighs and leaving the bathroom slamming the door shut.

God if he acts like that to much more he's going to send me into heat...

  Chapter four

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