Chapter three - What a ass! °•~Corillia's POV~•°

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                   ∆•Corillia's POV•∆
He keeps trying to grab my from under the bookshelf but he's failing because I bite his hand gently each time he tries. I'm just glad he put on sweatpants before he started trying to get me. But he looked really good.. I couldn't deny that. I had a very handsome mate. Even though my instincts are to go to him, mate with him, scent him, and everything like that, I'm going to make it difficult for him. At least until I can't deny my instincts anymore. It's already very hard for me to deny and ignore my instincts but I can't just make it easy for him. Especially if he accepts me as his mate, I can't make him think it'll be easy being with me. He tries to grab me again and I make a growling sound as I swat at his hand with my paw. I haven't changed from my wolf form yet so it's harder for him to even try to grab me. It catches me off guard when he grabs my hind paws and pulls me out from under the bookshelf. I freeze, laying there silently for a good few minutes staring back at him silently, but when he chuckles and smiles I snap back to reality and try to move back under the bookshelf but he doesn't let me. He keeps a hold of me. He then says "Oh come on, just stop running please." In a almost pleading way. I freeze and my ears perk up at the sound of his voice. No one's voice should be so hot and smooth. He smiles and chuckles before saying, "Aww do you like my voice?" I just let out a huff and try to go back under the bookshelf but he's holding me still so I huff in annoyance. "Aww little pup is annoyed they can't run and hide?" He chuckles and I make a howling sound at him and start to wiggle and move around as he holds me so I can't run away. This is not how it's supposed to go! I'm supposed to be making it hard for him! How dare he not let me run off! Asshole!

It's been about three hours now, he still has not let me go. He holds me in his lap as he brushes out my fur and checks me for any wounds to rough spots. I have refused to shift from my wolf form. Which he has begged me to do four times now.

"Please? I just want to see what my mate looks like, I can give you my shirt so that your not naked, and then I can buy you pretty clothes, and anything you want! Please just shift out of your wolf form!" He pleases again while scratching behind my ear. I start to pay my back paw and lean into his hand a bit. Jesus that feels good! I snap back into reality and move away from his hand with a huff. He chuckles, "Why won't you just shift? It's not hard!" He says while trying not to laugh. I was getting quiet tired, and annoyed with his constant asking so I hugged before pawing at the blanket on his bed as if trying to tell him something. And I was, I was telling him to put the damn blanket over me so I could shift. But his dumbass asks, "What is it? Do you need something?" Like yes! I do! Put the dumb fucking blanket over me god! I huff, whine, paw at the blanket, I even bite the blanket and push it towards him. Five minutes, it takes him five minutes to realize what I'm telling him to do. "Ohhh, you want the blanket on you don't you?" He says with a chuckle. Yes! Thank fucking God! He finally puts the blanket over me and I take a deep breath, clear my mind, and shift from my wolf form. It's a bit painful since it's been a while. I stretch a bit before moving and keeping the blanket around me as much as possible. He smiles at me with this dumbfounded, puppy look. "Stop staring at me like that." I say while trying to fix my hair while keeping the blanket covering my body. His face seems to soften even more and he just smiles so softly. I could almost melt but I don't and I look away. Out of nowhere he just grabs me and pulls me to him, moving to lay between on me, he buries his face in my neck, wraps his arms around me, and moves his hips between my legs. I'm naked dude! At least give me a shirt! His bare chest against mine. My face goes bright red. "Get off!!" I shout, he just chuckles and says "Your my mate, mates bond, we are bonding! So bond with me!" He says while nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck. I try to push him off but he's clinging to me like a damn puppy. I huff with a red face and eventually I just give up and let him lay on me. It's not like it's not comfy. It's very comfy, and he smells so good... But I can't just let him think it's going to be easy with having me as his mate.

Chapter three

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