Log 1

72 4 8

This is the first day that I'm getting actually serious about biking, and I think that this will be a better form of working out for me than going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week.

The weather was pretty nice. When I started, it was about 12°C (54°F) and when I got home it was about 10°C (50°F). It was cloudy as well, so I didn't get to see the sun which is sad, but it was still a nice ride. It almost started to rain on me, but the sprinkling stopped after, like, 2 minutes.

I rode about 13½km (8½mi) at an average speed of 11¼kph (7mph) and an average pace of 5:20/km (8:55/mi). My highest speed was about 22kph (13mph) and I burned 500 calories. The total time was about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

On the ride I got to see two deer up close (I almost didn't stop in time to not hit them :'D) and I got to see part of the sunset (only part because it was cloudy).

I met my goal of riding at least 8km (5mi) for 45 minutes and burning at least 300 calories, so I'm pretty happy with my ride.

My current goals are to ride at least 10 times, ride for at least 80km (50mi), burn at least 1,000 calories, and lose at least 2lbs in the next two weeks. I'm confident in my ability to do that, so I'm excited. When I meet all of my goals, I will treat myself to ice cream and a shopping spree :]

Here's a picture of my ride

Here's a picture of my ride

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