Log 4

19 4 5

Today was pretty chilly, but not too bad at 10°C (50°F), and it was fairly windy but not enough to be bothersome. The sun was out, though, which made it really nice. But I did end up with a migraine once I got inside to my warm bedroom. My body doesn't fare well with quick temperature changes :')

I'm increasing my ride time this week five minute, so my rides will be about 35 minutes. I rode 6.5km (4-ish miles) at an average of 11.7kph (7.3mph). My highest speed was 16kph (10mph).

This ride was also a bit more leisurely rather than trying to beat my records. I was just riding for the hell of it and enjoying myself, which makes riding easier (and it's lot more fun that way).

I was passing this lady and she started screaming at me for "almost running her over" when I stopped to let her go past me??? I just kind of left once she started screaming- (I will say though, it was a little funny /lh). I got to watch the sunset, too, which was nice.

I stopped at the corner store for some coffee and ice cream, and I got some soda and a snack for my brother. This kid saw me there and was pointing at me was telling his mom, "Mommy look, she's got purple hair!" And then the mom said to me, "Miss, he likes your hair," and I told her I use gender-nuetral terms AND SHE WAS SO NICE ABOUT IT?!?? She literally told her kid to correct himself and apologise (which wasn't really needed since he probably wouldn't have known to even ask, he was like 4 or something), and it made me so happy.

Anyway, here's the path I took this time!

Anyway, here's the path I took this time!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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