Log 3

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Today's ride was about twice the length of Monday's. It was a bit warmer, about 12°C (53°F), and it was sunny out. A little windy, but nothing too bad.

I was out for almost half an hour and I went about 5½km (3½mi) at a max speed of 18kph (about 11mph). My average speed was 11kph (about 7mph). I burned 300 calories.

Today my bike ride was more motivated at first by wanting to lose weight and thinking I'm too "unfit" or "fat" to skip it again today, but once I started riding I began to feel a lot better and wanted to keep doing it because I wanted to enjoy myself and not just because I'm upset about my body.

I had to stop earlier than I wanted to because of my knee again (I'm getting it checked out, and I promise I'm not hurting/pushing myself too much) so I couldn't ride as long as I wanted to, but that's okay. I can ride longer another time.

I've started working with my old trainer that helped me form a workout routine, and I'm starting to get a better sense of how to build up stamina for riding and when to rest or increase the length of my rides. I'm really excited to see how far I get.

This was my path today!

This was my path today!

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