Log 2

26 5 2

The weather today was a lot colder than yesterday, the temperature being 7°C (about 45°F). It was cloudy again and windy, but not rainy.

I only biked for 15 minutes today because I have work, but it was a really nice ride. My top speed was 24.1kph/15mph (NEW RECORD, BY THE WAY /pos) and I went about 3½km/a little over 2mi.

I had to stop a few times because my knee was acting up. I couldn't ride as far as I would've liked because of it, but oh well. Tomorrow's ride will probably be longer.

I actually brought my water and a Gatorade with me this time (you're welcome, Rae and Ive) so I wasn't dying on the trail.

I saw some ducks swimming in the river and I saw a few deer, too. It was really nice.

This was my path today

I went around a couple times

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I went around a couple times. I wish I could've gone farther but I didn't have a lot of time

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