Never A Time To Just Quit

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Never A Time To Just Quit
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

To everything
There is a season
A time for every
Purpose under heaven

A time to be born
And a time to die
A time to gather stones
And time to scatter stones

A time to take down
And time to build up
A time to be silent
And a time to speak up

A time to weep
And time to laugh
A time to mourn
And time to dance

A time to kill
And time to heal
A time to tear
And time to seal

A time to love
And time to hate
A time to embrace
And not to embrace

A time to gain
And a time to lose
A time to keep
And a time to loose

A time to plant
And time to pluck
Nothing is
Left to luck

A time of war
And time of peace
But God's great love
Will never cease

Still there is never
A time to just quit
God's Grace is forever
So fully walk in it

Be steadfast
Until the end
On the Lord
Fully depend

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